CEMENT STABILIZATION OF ROADS CSIR Transportek Frank Netterberg Soillab (C&CI Steering Committee)
Terms of Reference Consortium was contracted by the Cement and Concrete Institute (C&CI) on behalf of its members to: –Investigate the influence of the new SABS EN cement specifications on the use of cement as a road material stabilizer (ie is TRH 13 still appropriate).
Progress Interviews within the industry (completed) Design laboratory test programme (completed) Carry out laboratory testing (commencing shortly) (First material identified and being collected) (Cements being organised)
Laboratory test programme Initial programme was to: Test five suitable materials Use 7 different cements Study effect of: –Time –Temperature on strength, workability –Cement composition and durability This would require about R8 million and about 196 tonnes of material
Revised programme Seven cements Two materials Initially workability and strength to be assessed
Cements Full range of standard and non-standard cement tests on each cement
Materials Dolerite (low plasticity index (PI < 6) Dolerite (medium-high PI ( ) Full range of standard and non-standard material tests on each sample
Stabilisation tests All tests at 3% cement and 100 % Mod AASHTO effort Materials compacted after 2 and 4 hours Materials conditioned at 10, 23 and 45ºC Cured for 7 days at 23°C and % humidity Tested for density and strength (CBR, UCS and ITS)
Proposed programme Initiate material testing –Mid November 2002 Complete initial tests – End February 2003 Report – End March 2003