1. The “Secret Ingredient” 2. The 2 VITAL KEYS to Valuation 3. How To Buy and Sell A Business For Profit
Who are we? Been in business for over 14 years We have bought and sold our own businesses We are now involved in multi-million dollar business deals and sell businesses professionally We advise people with businesses worth up to $20 million on how to buy and sell profitably
Who are we? Our network means that we can make thousands just from putting the right people together We have built up a collection of websites making passive income online
Being a Broker At the coalface – seen hundreds of deals What makes a business highly valuable and why Work intimately with highly successful entrepreneurs and millionaires
The Secret Ingredient..?
The Secret Ingredient...? You are an Investor – not a worker Your business is an ASSET Set Up For Sale From Day One
Buying and selling business is just like buying and selling any other asset
Buy – Add Value – Sell!
The 2 VITAL KEYS to Valuation
The 2 Vital Keys To Valuation 1.The Net-Profit Multiplier 2.The 5 Areas of Value in a Business
Key #1 The Net-Profit Multiplier
Key # 1 – Net-Profit Multiplier Simple but Powerful Know this to avoid overpaying eg Penny Think about “Return on Investment”
Key # 1 – Net-Profit Multiplier $300,000 in the bank gets you 6% return ($18,000) $300,000 in a business should return at least 30% ($100,000) If a business nets $100,000 – you shouldn't pay more than $300,000 (3 times net profit) in the current market
Key # 1 – Net-Profit Multiplier
What if there's no profit?
Key #2 The 5 Areas of Value
The 5 Areas of Value 2. SYSTEMS
The 5 Areas of Value 3. PROPERTY
The 5 Areas of Value 4. BRAND
The 5 Areas of Value
The Power of Putting the Keys Together... The Keys To Valuation
Scenario... The Keys To Valuation
What about Websites?
How To Buy and Sell A Business For Profit
1.Buy 2.Add Value 3.Sell!
1. BUY Looking for “rundown” or under-performing businesses
1. BUY
Increase profit eg John Or the multiplier - 5 Areas of Value What can YOU do? Can you get others to do it for you? eg PT
1. BUY Website Opportunities:
1. BUY Website Opportunities: Traffic but no Profit Traffic but no List List but no Profit Profits but no Traffic Acquisitions - a List or Traffic that suits your business
2. ADD VALUE 80/20 Rule 5 Areas of Value LIST and SYSTEMS
Small Business Website Bought for $2,000 Owned for 2 years
Small Business Website Bought for $2,000 Owned for 2 years SOLD $25,000
Distribution – Home Based Bought for $200,000 – netting $100,000
Distribution – Home Based Bought for $200,000 – netting $100,000 SOLD $300,000
Well Known Food Franchise Taken over from receivership No money down SOLD 1 year later
Well Known Food Franchise Taken over from receivership No money down SOLD 1 year later SOLD $1.1 Million
Cafe Millionaire Bought “rundown” Cash on the books Used business to buy the property Multi-Millionaire before turning 30!
3. SELL 3 Keys to Selling for Top Dollar: 1.Be Prepared 2.Know the Pitfalls 3.Know The Options
3. SELL Be Prepared: Don't just show up to the market Prepare for sale eg George Know your buyers
3. SELL Know the Pitfalls: Too emotionally attached
3. SELL Know the Pitfalls: Too emotionally attached No transition plan Negotiation mistakes
3. SELL Know the Options: Creative ways to sell Structure of the deal Advanced strategies – eg countrycars.com.au
What next?
Workshop This is not the standard business advice that you have heard before!
Workshop After this workshop you will walk away with: A roadmap of how to set a business up so that it is highly valuable and attractive to potential buyers and investors
Workshop In taking action on your roadmap you will be forced to create a better business that gives you more cash flow and profits along the way
Workshop You will grow a safer, more secure and valuable asset for you and your family
Workshop DAY 1 - BUYING LIVE valuations on stage Our 5 Golden Rules for buying a business Protect yourself from the mistakes that business buyers make
Workshop DAY 1 - BUYING How you can get into a business without using any of your own money How to find business bargains, or even be handed one for FREE!
Workshop DAY 1 - BUYING LIVE demonstration of buying and selling websites See analysis of websites that are on the market right now
Workshop DAY 2 – ADDING VALUE Planning your renovation – how to use the 80/20 rule to target areas that give the biggest “bang for your buck!” How to use powerful internet strategies to boost your renovation
Workshop DAY 2 – ADDING VALUE Easy ways to build and leverage your LIST to boost profits and value The Top 3 areas of your business that you should systemise to maximise value and profit
Workshop DAY 2 – ADDING VALUE See how millionaires use property to increase the value of their business asset Step-by-step guide to finding and protecting your brand and IP
Workshop DAY 3 – SELLING How to set your business up the right way from day one – whether you are planning on selling or not
Workshop DAY 3 – SELLING We guide you through the 7-step plan for preparing your business for sale Discover the tricks to selling a website for top dollar and where to find the best buyers
Workshop DAY 3 – SELLING Find out the Top 10 Mistakes that cost sellers BIG money – and how you can avoid them Learn the secrets to negotiating a sale, and the inside broker tricks to getting top dollar
Workshop DAY 3 – SELLING Learn how you can set your business up so investors are keen to jump on board LIVE Hot Seats and Case Studies – we'll analyse real business deals on stage
Workshop DAY 3 – SELLING The little-known secret to making a 6-figure income without ever owning or buying a business!
Sound Good?