Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program A partnership between Department of Public Social Services & Human Resources Department - Temporary Assignment Program (TAP)
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program DPSS Workforce Connection team is developing comprehensive Subsidized Employment Program –Partnerships with private, non-profit, and public employers –Provide work experience and job skills –Contracting with multiple entities –County Human Resources Department – Temporary Assignment Program Reference Information –Created by AB74, funds allocated to DPSS –Board of Supervisors Agenda 04/08/2014 Item 3.19 –Goal of 500 participants per year (across all entities)
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program Program Details Subsidized-Wage Job Placement Program. A collaboration between the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) and the Human Resources Department Temporary Assignment Program (TAP).
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program Program Details The focus is to match qualified participants to jobs that will complement their skill set and provide work experience. Each participant will go through an extensive pre-screening process to determine the best fit for available placements by the Human Resources Department Temporary Assignment Program.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program How the Program works? Departments request Temporary Assistants for a variety of assignments. TAP will identify whether a subsidized worker is available. Vocational training and certification assistance is available for qualifying positions. Placements are available starting September 2014.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program How much is the Subsidy? DPSS will subsidize wages: 50% of the employee’s hourly wage up to $1,000 in month 1 through 6. Limited extensions of assignments may be approved by HR-TAP and DPSS if: Participant is obtaining unsubsidized work with us. Participant is obtaining specific skills and experience relevant to unsubsidized work. TAP extension request is approved.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program Who can participate? Any County department seeking to fill temporary positions. Participants are qualified DPSS customers who are eligible for subsidized work placement.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program What can Participants do on the job? Participants are treated just like TAP employees; they are screened, tested, and placed on assignment according to their skill set. Participants can hold 6 month assignments in any department within the County.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program What can’t Participants do? Participants are unable to fill positions where a layoff classification exists. Participants are unable to transition into a permanent position; however, participants are allowed to compete for vacant positions. Participants cannot supplant a worker with other funding sources (such as other federal state or county funds). Participants cannot displace a current worker, cause reductions in workers hours, or infringe on promotional opportunities of current employees.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program How are Participants assigned to Departments? When a department submits a TAP job order, if a qualified participant exists, then the participant may be assigned to the order. Department will be contacted. Departments are also able to make direct requests for a “subsidized participant only” to fill their order. TAP may contact departments where a potential candidate has been identified but a placement has not been requested, to see if there is interest.
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program What are Departments’ responsibilities? Departments submit a copy of the timesheet directly to the Human Resources Accounting Department for billing purposes. Specific instructions will be provided. Departments complete a brief, one-page, monthly performance evaluation. This is required to meet State reporting guidelines. Departments pay the usual TAP administrative charges for temporary staff (currently 10%).
Workforce Connection Subsidized Employment Program How can my Department get started with this program? Accept a Participant offered by TAP on an existing TAP Job Order. or Complete a TAP job order for Workforce Connection – –Use the Job Order – Workforce Connection form.