Yu-Gi-Oh I.D. Cards
Instructions 1.Go to 2.Upload your picture from /Photos directory on USB drive 3.Enter your name – First name, then last name, then preferred in () if desired 4.Enter your class period in “Circulation” 5.Enter “Fall 2012” in “Set ID” 6.In “Description” enter (using only 4 lines) 1.Personality Type(s) (from 9 color images) 2.Learning Style (from 3.Favorite sports, hobbies, interests, obsessions, etc. (from your life) 4.Your Super Hero Power (from your day dreams) 7.Use other fields to adjust color and style to your taste ** Make sure your name font is a high contrast to the card color 8.Save your card image in the /cards directory on the USB drive ** Right Click on the card image and “save image as” or “save as picture” ** Use your last name as the filename when you save
Grading 1.Go to 2.Upload your picture from /Photos directory on USB drive 3.Enter your name – First name, then last name, then preferred in () if desired Enter your class period in “Circulation” Enter “Fall 2010” in “Set ID” In “Description” enter (using only 4 lines) Personality Type(s) (from 9 color images) Learning Style (from -1www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm 3.Favorite sports, hobbies, interests, obsessions, etc. (from your life) -1 4.Your Super Hero Power (from your day dreams) -1 7.Use other fields to adjust color and style to your taste ** Make sure your name font is a high contrast to the card color -1 8.Save your card image in the /cards directory on the USB drive ** Right Click on the card image and “save image as” or “save as picture” ** Use your last name as the filename when you save Print Quality – 1 Total = 10
Name: Ziffle Signature: _________________________________________ Learning Style: _____________________________________ Personality Type: ___________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: __________________________________ Superhero Power: __________________________________ Name: Sniffle Signature: _________________________________________ Learning Style: _____________________________________ Personality Type: ___________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: __________________________________ Superhero Power: __________________________________
faceCard Instructions Complete your faceCard by completing the following items: (these may be completed in any order) 1.Sign the Signature line 2.Learning Style (from Complete survey and determine your Learning Style Enter result on Learning Style line 3.Personality Type(s) (from 9 color images) Choose one or two patterns that appeal to you Look up descriptions for each of your patterns Enter adjectives that describe you best on Personality Type line 4.Favorite sports, hobbies, interests, obsessions, etc. (from your life) Enter your favorites on Interests/Hobbies line 5.Your Superhero Power (from your day dreams) If you were a super hero, what would your power be? Enter answer on Superhero line
Homework Take a blank index card Side 1: – Your name – Your Lego Level: 4) NXT experience 3) Technics experience 2) Classic brick experience 1) “What’s a Lego?” Side 2: (confidential: will not be shared) – Tell us 3 things you wish we already knew about you