Acknowledgements Include those who assisted you in the project Conclusion Describe how the lessons from the project can be applied and transferred to other services/settings. To what extent has the approach been taken up by other NSW Local Health Districts/settings? What is the potential and feasibility for further transfer? Objectives Highlight your main SMART objective(s). Case for change Outline how the problem came to light. Begin with a short statement of the issue/project, then describe the process, practice or approach that needed improving and why (‘why are we changing – consequences of not changing’). Diagnostics Highlight in this part the key findings. You can use pictures, graphs, etc. Planning and implementing solutions Describe the changes/innovations made. Explain the implementation strategy, e.g. the contribution of the individual or team, governance, communications, management support, involvement of patients/consumers, staff or other stakeholders. Results Present the evidence that demonstrates the how the project met its objectives (outcomes), i.e. financial, workforce improvements, system improvements, etc. Results should improve the triple aim: - Patient Experience - Patient Outcome - Cost per capita Highlight real ‐ life impacts, either direct or flow ‐ on benefits. Can include graphs & pictures as well. As much as possible use charts highlighting the baseline and the impact of your project. Add in Title here If more of a description is required add in here Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here Goal Succinct statement of your project goal and how it aligns with the organisation’s strategic direction. Method Describe the methods used to gauge the extent of the issue/project, the improvements needed and the potential solutions. As well as data collection and analysis, other approaches that may have been drawn upon, such as environmental scan, staff feedback, patient/consumer stories, etc. Sustaining change Describe the processes/structures in place to ensure the improvements will be sustained, including links to local key performance indicators, strategies, programs, etc Contact Provide contact details to whoever would be interested in knowing more about your project. Name, & phone number.
First… Check with conference organisers on their specifications of size and orientation, before you start your poster eg. maximum poster size; landscape, portrait or square. The page size of this poster template is A0 (84x119cm), landscape (horizontal) format. Do not change this page size, MIU can scale-to-fit a smaller or larger size, when printing. Bear in mind you do not need to fill up the whole space allocated by some conference organisers (eg. 8ftx4ft in the USA). Do not make your poster bigger than necessary just to fill that given size. In this template, the different sections have been filled so they align with some of the criteria to submit a NSW Health Innovation Award to streamline your work. How to use this poster template… Simply highlight the text in black and replace it by typing in your own text, or copy and paste your text from a MS Word document or a PowerPoint slide presentation. The body text / font size should be between 24 and 32 points. Arial, Helvetica or equivalent. Keep body text left-aligned, do not justify text. The colour of the text, title and poster background can be changed to the colour of your choice. Tips Tips for making a successful poster… Re-write your paper into poster format ie. Simplify everything, avoid data overkill. Headings of more than 6 words should be in upper and lower case, not all capitals. Never do whole sentences in capitals or underline to stress your point, use bold characters instead. When laying out your poster leave breathing space around you text. Don’t overcrowd your poster. Try using photographs or coloured graphs. Avoid long numerical tables. Spell check and get someone else to proof-read. Importing images Importing / inserting files… Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK. The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format. Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Make sure your graphs are easy to read once printed. Do not use images from the web. Notes about graphs… For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint. Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. Printing and Laminating Once you have completed your poster, it will also be printed & laminated for you for display in your ward/unit/department. Cost… The Centre for Healthcare Redesign will cover the cost of printing for you For more information on: Poster Design, Scanning and Digital Photography, and Image / file size. Contact: Your local hospital Medical Illustration Unit or your Centre for Healthcare Redesign contact Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, 18 to 24 points, to the length of the column in case a figure takes more than 2/3 of column width. Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo). Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Left aligned if it refers to a figure on its left. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo). Instructions to fill in the poster Delete this slide when your poster is filled in