Graybox NFS Caching Proxy By: Paul Cychosz and Garrett Kolpin
First we need to know a little about how the “graybox” works. Inference by observation No server or client-side modifications necessary What are Graybox Techniques?
Figure out what the client is caching Maintain low overlap between client and proxy caches Our Problem
Treat the client as a graybox Monitor NFS traffic Infer from NFS traffic the contents of client cache Our Solution
Cache overlap decreased by 5% to 50% when using graybox techniques Conclusions
Approach Results Conclusions Outline
Approach NFS specifics: Implemented in kernel as another FS type Replaces “file_operations” with its own functions for read, write, open, etc. Uses VFS abstraction VFS NFS kernel code RPC / XDR TCP / UDP retrans., data wrapping
Approach Client cache / Replacement Caches on page level Not much NFS specific code – Uses global Linux page cache Not a static size, no upper-bound Timestamps: “jiffies”, per page.
Approach Reads typically > ~85% of traffic NFS / RPC “read” structure RPC Packets sent out: access to dir, getattr to file, access to file, then read, read, read, … Client use of getattr to revalidate cached copies Exploit this, proxy explicitly look for these to determine client cache contents
Approach Proxy Sees: File handle Offset size --becomes our “cache element” Store in hash table Cache on reads, run our cache element replacement policy on getattr (proof of cached client copy)
Approach Read system call Cache lookup Revalidate data Read setup OR Replacement (possible force-out) Lookup Return dataAdd OR NFS ClientProxy hit miss hit miss getattr read Data Forward req. to server Typical read()
Disable swap space Use mincore() to view pages that client has cached Use “balloon” program to keep client cache contents manageable Viewing Client Cache Contents Test Environment:
Approach Logistics: Initial setup, client/server/proxy all on same PC – doesn’t work Client cache size changes -solved: compare percentages, normalize Repeated RPC calls not idempotent Difficulties Not a significant problem, proxy efficiency degrades linearly with NFS performance if network traffic is bad
Approach Ambiguities: Different FS activities DON’T generate unique RPC patterns getattr used for a few things besides reads -- Null RPC packets Cannot tell exact blocks client caching, only which files Need second, local replacement policy on proxy! Difficulties
Approach Global Policies LRU MRU Local Policies Forcing entire file MRU Cache Replacement
Approach Results Conclusions Outline
Control Experiments –Global LRU, no local force-out –Global MRU, no local force-out Combinations –Global LRU, whole file force-out –Global LRU, block-level local MRU –Global MRU, whole file force-out –Global MRU, block-level local MRU What We Tested
Used Postmark benchmark 12 files with sizes randomly selected between 4 and 50 kilobytes Gives us more of a “real-world” workload How We Tested
Approach Results Conclusions Outline
Decrease in overlap by between 5 and 50 percent as compared to control tests MRU global file replacement is good by itself MRU global policy with whole-file local policy gives highest cache fill and lowest overlap Conclusions
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