Specialist College launch – Year 1 RECYCLING
College background Ofsted March 2000 & February 2002 Ofsted March 2000 & February 2002 Raising standards Raising standards Achievement award 2002 Achievement award 2002 Increased 6 th form numbers Increased 6 th form numbers Specialist status – September 2004 Specialist status – September ? ?
Choice of specialism Local environment and business Local environment and business Biosphere reserve Biosphere reserve Involvement of all curriculum areas Involvement of all curriculum areas Environmental awareness Environmental awareness Social responsibility Social responsibility
Aims of a specialist science college Extend the range of opportunities available Extend the range of opportunities available Work with related industries to establish high quality vocational courses and work opportunities Work with related industries to establish high quality vocational courses and work opportunities Raise and develop the standards of teaching and learning Raise and develop the standards of teaching and learning Develop college ethos which signals the changed identity Develop college ethos which signals the changed identity Play active part in local and national initiatives Play active part in local and national initiatives Benefit other schools in the area. Benefit other schools in the area. Address needs of future citizens in a scientific world Address needs of future citizens in a scientific world
The story so far… Staffing Staffing Capital programme Capital programme Equipment Equipment Links Links International projects International projects SEN projects SEN projects
Opportunities for all Courses Courses Fieldwork Fieldwork Trips Trips Training Training Speakers Speakers Equipment Equipment
Launch day aims Appreciation of changing college profile Appreciation of changing college profile Awareness of bid Awareness of bid Education of environmental issues Education of environmental issues Meet key personnel Meet key personnel Collaboration Collaboration Where could you benefit / help? Where could you benefit / help?
Long term aims Raise standards of achievement Raise standards of achievement Increase environmental awareness Increase environmental awareness Annual programme of events Annual programme of events Increased social responsibility Increased social responsibility
And finally … Welcome packs Welcome packs Programme Programme Workshop groups Workshop groups Personnel Personnel Website Website Housekeeping Housekeeping