Renaissance and Reformation
Thesis As much of Europe is recovering from a devastating plague, southern Italy becomes the birth place of a cultural rebirth which will spread through the rest of Europe in the following years. This Renaissance will also give way to the reforming of religion.
The Renaissance The Renaissance was a time of creativity and change in politics, society, economics, and culture. This movement gets its start in the 1300s in southern Italy focuses on the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Economics -The Medici family was one of the wealthiest merchant families in Europe.
The Renaissance continued Looking to Greece and Rome Artists and scholars study ruins of Rome, and study Latin and Greek manuscripts Scholars move to Rome after the fall of Constantinople in Classics Lead to Humanism Humanism—intellectual movement focused on human achievements Humanists studied classical texts, history, literature, and philosophy Worldly Pleasures Renaissance society was secular—worldly Wealthy enjoyed fine food, homes, and clothes
The Renaissance continued Patrons of the Arts Patron—a financial supporter of artists Church leaders spend money on artworks to beautify cities Wealthy merchants also patrons of the arts The Renaissance Man Excels in many fields: the classics, art, politics, and combat Leonardo, Renaissance Man Leonardo da Vinci—painter, sculptor, inventor, scientist Paints one of the best-known portraits in the world: the Mona Lisa Famous religious painting: The Last Supper
The Renaissance continued Artistic Styles Change Artists use realistic style copied from classical art, often to portray religious subjects Painters use perspective—a way to show three dimensions on canvas Realistic Painting and Sculpture Realistic portraits of prominent citizens Sculpture shows natural postures and expressions The biblical David is a favorite subject among sculptors (although he looks more like a classical Greek)
The Renaissance continued Raphael Advances Realism Raphael Sanzio, famous for his use of perspective Favorite subject: the Madonna and child Famous painting: School of Athens
School of Athens by Raphael
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, found of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo’ s The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel
The Renaissance continued New Trends in Writing Writers use the vernacular—their native language Self-expression to portray individuality of the subject Machiavelli Advises Rulers Niccolo Machiavelli, author of a political guidebook, The Prince The Prince examines how rulers can gain and keep power Johann Gutenberg helps to create a printing revolution The use of the movable type made book production easier
The Reformation During the Renaissance, the Church increasingly comes under criticism by the people it served. Many Christians accused the clergy of corruption they felt they were abusing their power this led to a movement know as the Protestant Reformation. Abuses in the Church -The church became caught up in worldly affairs. -Popes competed with Italian Princes for political power
The Reformation continued -Popes maintained a lavish lifestyle and were patrons of the arts. -To pay for such things the clergy promoted the sale of indulgences, which was payment for less time, spent in purgatory. Luther’s Protest -In 1517, protests against church abuses erupted into a full scale revolt led by a German monk named Martin Luther
The Reformation continued -Martin Luther criticized the Roman catholic church for the sale of indulgences. Luther created the 95 Thesis, or arguments against indulgences. Luther’s Teachings Salvation was achieved through faith alone The bible is the sole source of religious truth Priests and the Church hierarchy do not have special powers. Spread of Lutheran Ideas Many church officials saw the reforms as the answer to church corruption The German princes saw “Lutheranism” as way to break from the Holy Roman Empire
The Reformation continued Church officials asked Luther to recant or give up his views in order to regain control, Luther refused. (He is excommunicated) John Calvin Like Luther, John Calvin rejected elaborate church rituals and stressed the importance of the Bible. He preached predestination the idea that long ago God had determined who would gain salvation. He also set up a theocracy or government run by church leaders. The spread of Calvinism set off bloody wars throughout Europe with opposition from not only Catholics but Lutherans as well.
The Reformation continued The English Reformation Henry VIII wanted to annul, or cancel his marriage to Catharine of Aragon because she could not have a son. The Pope denied it because her nephew Charles V was the Holy Roman Emperor. Break with Rome -Henry took the English Church from the Popes control. -With the Act of Supremacy Henry VIII made himself head of the Church of England or Anglican Church. Church of England -Henry gained the support of the nobles by giving them church land.
The Elizabethan settlement -The Queen’s policies were a compromise between Protestant and Catholic beliefs. -Because she was willing to compromise she was a strong and effective ruler who firmly established a protestant nation. The Catholic Reformation During the 1530’s and 1540’s Pope Paul III set out to restore the moral authority of the church.
The Reformation continued Council of Trent Reaffirmed traditional catholic views that salvation was achieved through faith and good works The Bible was the only source of religious truth. The Inquisition -Used torture, secrecy and execution to root out heretics -It also banned books by Luther, Calvin, and Humanists. -Many people were used as scapegoats on whom people could blame their problems -The Catholic Reformation led to witch hunts and the persecution of the Jews.