Booking Sheets Rise & Fall Method M.S.Martin Original, May 2004 Revised, July 2005 M.S.Martin Original, May 2004 Revised, July 2005
Recording your levels – Rise & Fall Method – copy readings on a piece of paper BM –1 st reading taken was (this is a back sight) (A)2 nd reading taken of (this is a intermediate site) (B) 3 rd reading taken was (which is a foresight) (B) 4 th reading taken new position of instrument was (which is a back sight) (C) 5 th reading taken was ( a foresight) (C) 6 th reading taken new instrument position was (which is a back sight) (D) Last reading taken was.486 (which is a foresight) BM A B CD Now we’ll have a look at how they go onto a booking sheet Triangles indicate instrument positions Letters indicate staff positions
Completed booking sheet example BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D
Completing the sheet – step 1 BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D First lets complete the readings in their apropriate boxes back sight at BM first Then intermediate site, one line down Then foresight one line down again Then our instrument is moved, our first reading from here is a backsight, but still goes on the line for station B – etc. complete the rest In the remarks column you can also note the station referance, A,B,C, etc.
Completing the sheet - step 2 BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D Next calculate the rise and fall This is simply deducting one reading from the previous and posting the answer in the rise & fall column eg – = negative.575 Negative results are falls Positive results are a rise
Completing the sheet – step 3 BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D Next calculate the RL BM is given at , put this into your calculator Next work your way down the readings, either deduct the fall or add the rise eg = = and so on
Completing the sheet – step 4 BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D The last step is to balance the sheet Total the columns Take FS away from BS Take Fall away from Rise Take the last RL away from the first All Answers should EQUAL !
Review the completed booking sheet BSISFSRISEFALLRLREMARK BM A B C D