World Bank Small Grants Program Azerbaijan Country Office 2003
Background Launched in 1983 Decentralized in 1998 Managed by the NGO and Civil Society Unit, Social Development Department and funded by the Development Grant Facility of the World Bank
Goal and objectives Provide funding to civil society organizations to promote dialogue and dissemination of information on development and to enhance partnership with key players in the development arena Aim to support the empowerment of citizens to have greater control over development processes, thereby making these processes more inclusive and equitable
Small Grants Program in Azerbaijan Started in Administered by the Country Office Staff Total amount granted $ $ – 2000 year $ year $ – 2002 year 23 local NGOs received WB SGP grants 7 NGOs in 2000 year 7 NGOs in 2001 year 8 NGOs in 2002 year
Small Grants program 2003 Focuses on civic engagement for the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups Amount allocated for Azerbaijan- $ Administered by the Steering Committee comprised of WB Country Office and donor organizations staff Size of grants $ $ Applications deadline- 10 March, 2003 Awards to be announced by May, 2003
Who can apply Civil society organizations based in a developing country and working on issues of development in good standing and having a record of achievement in the community and record of financial probity
Funding requirements Small Grants must be used for a specific activity to be completed within one year of the date the grant is awarded Small Grants rarely funds more than half of the proposed budget for an activity. Organizations applying for funding should show how the grant could help to raise support from other sources Priority will be given to organizations not supported by the Program in previous years (organizations are not eligible for more than three grants from the Small Grants Program within a five-year period).
Activities related to civic engagement should promote dialogue and dissemination of information enhance partnerships with key players in support of the development process. Key players could include government agencies, civil society organizations, multilateral and bilateral agencies, foundation, and private sector include or benefit those who have been traditionally excluded, such as women, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities Main selection criteria
Additional selection criteria Does the activity: Promote public consensus and local ownership Give voice to the concerns of primary and secondary stakeholders Strengthen and leverage impact of development programs Bring innovative ideas and solutions to development challenges Provide professional expertise and increase capacity Improve transparency and accountability
Not supported activities SGP can not fund Research programs Formal academic training programs Operational projects Ongoing institutional core support ( such as equipment) Scholarships, fellowships, study programs Individuals applying on their own behalf Nonlegal entities Note: Proposed activities should not compete with or substitute for regular WB instruments; the activity should be clearly distinguishable from the Bank’s regular programs
Examples of items and activities usually not eligible for funding under SGP medical equipment, such as hospital equipment, hearing aids, crutches; computer equipment and installation; overhead costs, such as rent, maintenance, or general office supplies; workshops on training of business skills, HIV/AIDS awareness, smoking, unless there is a direct relation to the SmGP objectives; building the capacity of NGOs so that they could become consultants/employees in Bank projects; meeting basic needs, such as the provision of water, heat, meals; construction of facilities, such as libraries or sanitation facilities; job creation or employment; disease control campaigns; food aid; full-time salaries of, for example, the director of the NGO; infrastructure projects, such as water systems, wells.