Pras Biswas SOLUTION ARCHITECT Cloud Migration Methodology
Embrace Reference Migration Architecture / Pilot or PoC Mitigate any potential migration risk by verifying that the services migrated or provisioned meet expectations and incorporate lessons learned from the PoC. Think Parallel - implement Elasticity at each step Parallelization is a natural gift of the Cloud. Implement parallelization wherever possible but also automate it because the cloud is also natural at repeatable processes Design for failure and nothing should fail Always design, implement and deploy for automated recovery from failure. By thinking about recovery strategies during design time, you will design an overall system better Don't rely on OS-specific features Applications that use standards-based services and APIs are more portable to cloud environments than those that rely on specific operating system features Don't Implement “Like For Like” Interface Take advantage of the newer Cloud Architecture and UI features. Decouple components, reinforce SOA Loosely coupled scales better - it isolates the various layers and components of your application so that each component interacts asynchronously with the others. Automate Configuration (Chef, Puppet, etc) Cloud environments are quite likely to be created and destroyed more frequently than traditional environment s- the installation process must be scripted and completely reliable, with configuration data externalized in the scripts Principles
Zachmann Application Inventory A fundamental structure for Enterprise Architecture which provides a formal and structured way of viewing and defining an enterprise. The matrix is a two dimensional classification schema that reflects the intersection between functional, data, network, logical, physical and system oncerns. Master Data - Enterprise Data Dictionary The critical nouns of a business such as "customer" and "product” and their real-world relationships, such as product lines. All EDD rationalized entities which may have been duplicated, split, undefined, null, etc. across heterogeneous stores and normalizes conceptually similar entities. Integration Inventory Data exchange between source and target systems, real time or batch/scheduled, frequency, data format, etc - forming a complete view of data and applications interfaces Functional Redundancy Heat Map By-product of the Zachmann inventory, charts the duplication of functional capabilities across the enterprise and opportunities for consolidation (such as Identity Federation or Single Sign On) Foundational Artifacts
Cloud Candidate Assessment
Rehost Redeploy applications by changing the application’s infrastructure configuration. Fast cloud migration solution but no benefits of cloud characteristics Remediate / Revise Modify or refactor to a better structure, improve integration so as to deploy to cloud - to leverage the cloud characteristics of providers' infrastructure. Migrate Translate or recode to the PaaS provider platform to leverage its cloud characteristics. Lock-in! Extend / Enhance Improve integration and flexibility through re-enforcing SOA characteristics and loose coupling Rebuild Rebuild the solution on PaaS, discard existing code for an application and re-architect the application. Advantage - access to innovative features in the provider's platform. Replace Discard an existing application (or set of applications) and use a best-of-breed cloud-hosted SaaS. Finally – Retain Sustain the application as is –for the minimum cost and effort. Transactional, high migration risk or customer facing applications may be retained as is in a phased cloud migration exercise. Retire There are opportunities where some applications may be obsolete or can be absorbed into other applications and are candidates to decommission Types of Cloud Migration
Cloud Assessment Methodology
Decision Factors
Governance workstream Strategies, Preferences, Mandates, Golden Rules, Options Security and other constraints NDAs / Contracts Data workstream Data collection checklist Test data, Lessons, Best Practices Architecture workstream Enterprise Architecture Inputs Apps workstream Apps portfolio Program Management
There are 3 options: Manually Manually copy files to Office 365 – not recommended as it doesn’t migrate metadata Using the Save As Template for libraries or sites - not a migration feature but a collaborative feature (not recommended) Hybrid Keep running your On-Premises SharePoint and slowly start using Office 365 by creating new Sites there instead of the old (grandfathering). It does not provide a way to actually move sites from one place to the other. Offers a more seamless transition as you upgrade or move content to the cloud. Granted it does not provide a way to actually move sites from one place to the other but in some cases you simply do not need to Code or 3rd Party Tools 3 rd party Migration & Management Tool Migrate entire site collections or decide what you want to move: sites, libraries, lists, workflows, forms, documents, etc. Version history and metadata is preserved, while still being able to manipulate it Appendix – SharePoint migration to the Cloud
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