Concept Analysis Document Executive Summary Template, (To view template instructions – Save this template to project files, reopen and then select View, Notes Page. Delete this note prior to publishing)
8 August, Business Opportunity: A. Define how the project or request will affect the business or solve a business problem B. Demonstrate the value of the project to the business
8 August, Economic Impact 2. Strategic Business Alignment 3. Strategic IT Alignment Why is Important:
8 August, What Other States or Agencies Are Doing : 4. Impact on Citizens, Operations, & Agencies –Evaluate the degree to which the proposed project provides an advantage to: (a) Citizens (b) Operations (c) Agencies –Evaluate the ability of the proposed project to be more responsive to changing needs governed by legislative mandates
8 August, What We’ve Done: Process to date summary
8 August, Potential Solutions Identified: A. List all possible alternatives to the problem B. Include “do nothing” as one of the alternatives C. Select and justify the best alternative (cost/benefit analysis)
8 August, Recommendation: Option XXXX –Rationale
8 August, Current State Business Process (high level)
8 August, Future State Business Process (high level) Identify phase(s) Highlight Process Changes where possible, high level impacts
8 August, Current State: Phase I Capabilities: Phase II Capabilities: Benefits Summary
8 August, Benefits Summary- Quantified
8 August, Cost Summary
8 August, Risk Summary A. Anticipate what may go wrong during the course of the project B. Risk categories listing 1. Size 2. Technology 3. People 4. Structure
8 August, Next Steps: Project Plan A. Project scope statement 1. Very specific 2. May also include what project does NOT include 3. Outlines project deliverables (these will be used in measuring success) B. List goals (WHAT will be achieved) C. List objectives (HOW will goals be achieved)
8 August, Appendix
8 August, Detailed Future State
8 August, Planning Assumptions