Newington Little League Tee Ball Coaches Meeting
8/17/20152 Table of Contents Purpose of Tee Ball Key Documents Key Dates Coach Responsibilities Rain Outs / Rescheduling Games Tee Ball Jamboree Game Rules NLL Website Goals of Tee Ball Hitting Skills Baserunning Skills Fielding Skills Throwing Skills Coaching Tips Benefits of This Approach Contact Information Practice & Game Schedule Paterson Field Layout Recommended Player-Position Rotation
8/17/20153 Purpose of Tee Ball Introduction to baseball Build a foundation of fundamental skills Act as a feeder to Little League Provide players with the same experience regardless of coach/team Have Fun!
8/17/20154 Key Documents Volunteer Background Check Form Team Roster Coaches Contact List (available on NLL web site) Practice Schedule Game Schedule - TBD Tee Ball Rules Tee Ball Tips and Drills Sample Parent Info document Safety Information Packet – from Safety Clinic
8/17/20155 Key Dates – Tee Ball Coaches Clinic – Practices Start (weather permitting) – Games Start – Opening Day Ceremony / Picture Day / Games Begin – Memorial Day Parade – Fields Closed – Tee Ball Jamboree – Tee Ball Jamboree rain date – Season Ends
8/17/20156 Coach Responsibilities Safety Equipment Keeping (i.e., not losing) Tee, Helmets, Balls, Bats, Bases, First Aid Kit Players can keep balls at end of season Uniform Distribution Players get Hat and Shirt Players must provide pants (no shorts), glove, cleats/sneakers Getting additional Assistant Coaches (if needed) Rain Outs and Rescheduling Games Communicating with other coaches and commissioner Calling players/parents Keeping players/parents informed of team/league activities Updating Website - End of Year Party/Awards
8/17/20157 Rain Outs/Rescheduling Games Rain Out Guidelines Home team coach makes the call whether or not to play. If it is raining at all outside (unless a light sun shower on a relatively sunny day), call the game. If it has rained overnight, try to stop by field early. If field is too muddy or there are big puddles, call the game. Call the other coach by 5:00pm and decide. Communicate to your team. Rescheduling Guidelines Look at available days (will be on website), talk to other coach, agree on primary & secondary makeup date Contact Tee Ball Commissioner with date for scheduling. Communicate to parents.
8/17/20158 NLL Website – Managers To Login Click on Login in upper right corner of screen ID = First Name Last Name (e.g., Mike Johnson) Password = manager Click Login Access/Responsibilities View Roster Maintain Player/Parent/Coach profiles View Practice & Game schedules Post Bulletins to Team Home Page Team See Website Directions for Managers on Documents page of website for additional guidance.
8/17/20159 Tee Ball Jamboree “Field Day” event Multiple events to showcase skills learned during season Coaches/Parents needed to run stations and walk teams from station to station *** Volunteers needed to help coordinate: Get donations from sponsors Make signs Set up and take down Contact Andy Burnham if you want to volunteer
8/17/ Tee Ball Rules Highlights All games start at 5:45pm – tell players to arrive at 5:30pm Games last 3 innings; Each ½ inning, teams bat all players (i.e. each player hits 1 time an inning or 3 times a game); First 6 weeks of season Everyone uses tee, no exceptions Players who are out sit down Multi-base hits allowed Starting with week 7 Inning 1 – everyone uses tee; Innings 2 & 3 – coach pitch (optional) If Coach Pitch Sit or kneel so pitching at right level; Do not stand; Throw overhand or like a “dart”; No underhand throwing 6 pitches max, then bring out tee; Be mindful of the time and adjust pitch count if needed to end game on time. Multi-base hits If a player hits a ball past the outfielders, let him/her run for a double, triple, or home run. No running extra bases for errors, overthrows, or holding ball too long Need to have a 1 st and 3 rd base coach in case other players are on base Outs - If player is out (1 st, force, tag), he/she takes a seat on the bench; No running all around bases on last batter; On defense, align players to positions in field (do not just spread them out) Only hitter should have bat in hand!!! *** Consistency with rules is the key to success ***
8/17/ Goals of Tee Ball Have single, unified skill building program that all teams follow Focus on Skill Building, teach fundamentals in following areas: Hitting Base Running Fielding Throwing Over course of season, teach 3-6 basic skills per area For each skill, sample drills provided to coaches to implement in practice Gradually incorporate skills into games over the course of the season
8/17/ Hitting Skills 1.Hit off the tee Some have negative view of tee - it is only for players that cannot hit or is “babyish” Tee is the best training tool for hitting (i.e., major leaguers use it) Allows players to focus on learning other skills Builds confidence in players 2.Hit coach pitch Throw 6 pitches per player and then bring out tee. Doing so keeps games moving and is consistent regardless of the player’s skill level. Watch the time and adjust the number of pitches down for third inning if needed to end game on time. 3.Learn to be more selective while hitting (i.e., do not swing at bad pitches)
8/17/ Base Running Skills 1.Run through first base 2.Run around bases, one at a time, in correct order (i.e. 1B to 2B, 2B to 3B, 3B to Home) 3.Pay attention to pitcher, hitter, and other runners 4.Understand outs If you are out, you go and sit down It is ok to get out 5.Multi-base hits (i.e., single, double, triple, home run)
8/17/ Fielding Skills 1.Get in ready position before ball is pitched/hit 2.Correct fielding position Glove on the ground Move feet to get in front of the ball Use two hands 3.Play the position (i.e. do not run to other side of field or wrestle with teammates for the ball) 4.Understanding an out 5.Catch a ball – thrown or hit - in the air Turning glove depending on how high/low ball is 6.Force plays (i.e., touch 1B, 2B, 3B, home plate) *** All players get opportunity to play all positions ***
8/17/ Throwing Skills 1.Throw with correct technique 2.Throwing accuracy and strength 3.Throw to first base 4.Throw to second base if ball goes into outfield 5.Throw softer vs. harder (i.e. shorter distances or longer distances) 6.Throw to second base, third base, or home plate if there is a force out
8/17/ Coaching Tips Keep practices interesting Run multiple drills simultaneously – use assistants Use language kids can understand and remember Try out different drills (see Tee Ball Tips & Drills) Be Creative Get help if needed (other coaches, internet, commissioner) Have Fun
8/17/ Benefits of Approach Eliminates difference in coaching knowledge because all coaches share the same goals; Coaches still have autonomy to choose drills to implement in practice; For 5 year olds, this approach provides introduction to baseball and skill building; For 6 year olds, this approach provides continue skill building and a refresher from prior year; By the end of the season, players have learned fundamental skills that will have them better prepared for Little League; Approach is still fun
8/17/ Newington Little League Contact Information Please Refer to the Newington Little League Site for updated Contact Information. Link:
8/17/ Commissioner Contact Information Name Address Phone