Foreign Trip 2011 “One trip. Two worlds”
Agenda Trip Information Requirements & Application Procedure Q & A
General Information- Topic "One trip. Two Worlds. EU member Greece in the aftermath of the financial crisis vs. Turkey struggling to get into the European Union. The IES Network on its foreign trip about the economic development of two neighbour countries as different as chalk and cheese."
General Information- Getting there and back Cologne Athens Athens Istanbul Istanbul Cologne
Greece- Athens University Institutions and Organisations Company Visit Sightseeing- tour
Greece- Athens
Turkey- Istanbul University Institutions and Organisations Company Visit Sightseeing- tour
Turkey- Istanbul
General Information- Costs Price: 450€ Including: Flights Transportation in Athens & Istanbul Accomodation & Breakfast
Requirements Skills course, 4 Credits …to pass this course: Paper Attendance and participation Attendance to pre- departure meetings Visa 2nd & 3rd year IBE/IES/Infonomics Travel- and Health insurance Passport valid for at least 6 months after end of trip
Application 20 applicants Deadline: February 28 CV (including GPA) & motivation letter (1 page) Apply via