Computer Science Jan 2011 Robot Game
Introduction to Robot Arcade game Collect all of the items while avoiding the enemy (robot) Objectives More extensive planning and coding than Pong Build an “intelligent” computer player Create, track and remove multiple items Introduce game-play extensions
Core requirements Movable player “sprite” Wrap at edges of screen Create ‘robot’ that follows the player Robot wins if it catches the player Create 5-10 items that player must collect Player wins when all items are collected
Demo starting code
Demo final version
Core requirements: player Movable player “sprite” that wrap at edges of screen 1. What is the ‘player’ object in the Catch code? 2. What directions does it move in (a) Catch and (b) Robot? 3. Where is screen width/height used (3 places each)? Why might we want to replace these with a variable expression? 4. What does ‘wrapping’ mean? How might we achieve this?
Core requirements: robot Create ‘robot’ that follows the player 5. Which object can be converted to the robot? 6. What determines the robot’s direction on each step? 7. Highlight code you don’t need in Robot. 8. How can you tell if the robot catches the player? 9. What should the user see when this happens?
Core requirements: items Create 5-10 items that the player must collect 9. How and where do we create the items? 10. What information do we need to store for each item? 11. How can we detect when an item is collected? 12. How do we prevent an item from being collected twice? 13. How do we track when all of the items have been collected?
Coding Robot Hand in your code analysis sheets Write the robot game, even if you haven’t finished Pong Requirements are listed on the ‘Robot game’ page Plan how to address difficult requirements If you complete it early: Advanced features are listed on the page Add your own features to the game
Grading rubric ReqDescriptionPoints 1Player sprite must be able to move in four directions using the keyboard5 2The player sprite wraps at the edges of the screen collectable items (coins) are created and placed onscreen10 4Items are removed once the player ‘collects’ them10 5A robot sprite follows the player around the screen20 6If the player collides with the robot, then the player loses (and the game ends)5 7If the player collects all the items, then the player wins (and the game ends)10 8Code legibility (meaningful variable names and code comments)10 9Code parsimony (no redundant or convoluted code)10 Completed on time10 Total100
Extension rubric ReqDescriptionPoints 1Teleport5 2Warping10 3Special Freeze Item10 4Multiple rounds with variable difficulty10