D_R&D_6 Liquid xenon detector technology Workshop FJPPL’07, 9-12 May 2007, KEK, Japan 3 Medical Imaging with liquid xenon and 44 Sc Eric Morteau, Patrick Le Ray, Cyril Grignon Noel Servagent, Jean-Pierre Cussonneau Dominique Thers (Nantes) Tom Haruyama (KEK) Wednesday, 09 May 2007
1. 3 Medical Imaging : concept and motivation Sc production at ARRONAX 3. Simulation and expected results with liquid xenon telescope 4. Liquid xenon technology 5. Expected schedule and Milestones
3 Medical Imaging – never imagined before ? Not a “standard” imaging !
Positron Emission Tomography with + emitters + disintegration LL Main incertitude on the emitter position : LOR length 1 mm5 mmLOR 2D ~ 6 cm~ 30 cm LL Rat bodyHuman body TOF-PET (260 ps) L ~ 9 cm T. Doke et al. NIMA 569 (2006) Sub-centimetre precision along the LOR achievable ?
Single detection with a Compton telescope Measured Event quantities: E 1 = Energy lost by the scattered electron at the first hit x 1,y 1,z 1 = First Interaction Location x 2,y 2,z 2 = Second Interaction Location E0E0 E 1,x 1,y 1,z 1 Known Event quantities: E 0 = Incident energy Derived Event quantities: E 0 and E 1 => scatter angle from Compton kinematics x 1, y 1, z 1 and x 2, y 2,,z 2 => cone axis E 2,x 2,y 2,z 2 spatial resolution => axis of the cone ray Reconstructed direction : energy resolution => opening angle LXeGRIT: E. Aprile et al. NIMA 480 (2002)
emitter … 3 imaging With a Compton telescope and a emitter … Compton Telescope LL Reconstructed cone: axis , opening angle E0E0 1 2 - positron range - LOR 2D - Compton Telescope L related to Which emitter ? Which Compton telescope ? For which performances ?
E ~ 1 MeV Only one No background Good for the Compton telescope Ultra fast emission Very precise time coincidence Mean + energy: 632 keV Maximum + energy: 1474 keV % A Compton telescope in association with a new radio-medicament Other nuclides could be used, but 44 Sc is the most promising …
44 Sc, 44m Sc and 47 Sc productions at ARRONAX Accelerator for Research in Radiochemistry and Oncology in Nantes Atlantique < Fixed Alpha Deuteron < fixed < Proton Intensity µA Energy MeV Projectile 1 hall for high intensity 1 experimental hall F. Haddad et al., To be published, ND2007 conf. September 2008: first beam 2009 : 44 Sc et 44m Sc production 2010 : 47 Sc production
+ (Line Of Response) measured in a classical micro-PET Liquid xenon Compton telescope 8 8 individual cells (30 30 120 mm 3 ) 240 mm 120 mm Micro-PET (LSO crystals): Transverse FOV: = 260 mm Axial FOV = 76 mm Rat phantom (water): = 60 mm Length = 150 mm 148 mm Simulation for the proof of concept with small animal Present: Geant 4, Future: GATE (Subatech joined the collaboration in 2006) Sc point source positron range, + acolinearity isotropic emission for 3 rd 3 rd -ray measured in the Compton Telescope
Rat phantom 44 Sc emitter Compton Telescope Micro-PET (LSO crystals) XY slice voxel: 2 2 2 mm 3 Image Rat phantom + LOR cone L ~ 2 mm Absolute sensibility on 3 th > 5% Angular resolution < 2° Maximum Flux per inch 2 ~ 10 4 s -1 Activity in the field of view ~ 1 MBq Keys characteristics for the Compton telescope : Liquid xenon is the good technology
R&D on liquid Xenon Compton telescope
Liquid xenon technology : main physical properties Liquid xenon : Z = 54, ~ 3 kg/l 95 % Compton 1 MeV Energy deposited in liquid xenon : Both light and charge conversion Intrinsic scintillation due to dimer : 175 nm For 2 kV/cm: Scintillation yield ~ UV/MeV Ionization yield ~ e - /MeV
Cryocooler External cryostat Internal cryostat Prototype for the proof of concept and for the R&D PMT Micromeshes and Anode Liquid xenon Cathode Teflon Entrance window Cryogenic and xenon distribution will be presented by Tom
Liquid Xenon Compton Telescope Principle 3 x 3 cm 2 Micromegas (micromesh + anode) 12 cm Cathode LXe PMT 44 Sc -ray 1 2 collection of e/i => t 1, E, x, y TPC : z = (t 0 -t 1 ) x v drift UV Z X Y 1 individual cell e- R&D for the TPC read-out … detection of scintillation light => trigger time t 0
R&D on UV detector Amos Breskin et al., NIM A530(2004)258 Gas-AvalancheCharge induction → Choice before end of 2008 Collaboration founded by French Ministry for Foreign Affairs R AL12S-ASSY 27mm 1 inch PMT : HPD : Developed by T.Doke et al. for liquid xenon TOF-PET Under discussion with PHOTONIS-DEP G(Gaseous)PM : In test inside the prototype from June 2007
R&D on ionization detector cathode Conversion anode Ampli 12 cm 50 m t0t0 t0t0 t1t1 t2t2 E1E1 E2E2 Micromesh Spacer 511 keV t0t0 t1t1 t2t2 E1E1 E2E2 (AU) Expected Induced current on anode without amplification Induced current shape mostly independent of altitude MICROMEGAS Y. Giomataris et al. NIMA376 (1996) → First tests in liquid xenon from June with unsegmented anode to check the liquid xenon purity Associated electronic and anode segmentation : → Compton tracking in 2008 Adaptation of the IDEFIX chip, a low noise charge preamplifier for CdTe device 200 e - noise on (¼ inch) 2 pixel ?
Schedule and Milestones Proof of conceptExpected Achievement 1/ Conception and design 2/ Liquefaction commissioning (next Tom’s talk) 3/ First Signal and safety investigation 4/ Liquid xenon light and charge yield measurement 5/ Compton Tracking 6/ R&D for the TPC read-out July 2007 Oct Feb End April 2007 Decision ~ Imaging dedicated to the Whole-Body and the Public Health, research or industrialization ? Future 3 Imaging on Small Animal at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes First Image 2009/2010 7/ Conception and design for the Small Animal 8/ Whole Body simulation with GATE 9/ Small Animal camera characterization June 2008 End Small Animal Imaging Submission to FJPPL in 2008 ?