The PHP Story
PHP Story PHP is a programming language. Incorporate(join) sophisticated business logic. Widely used general purpose scripting language. Suited for web development. Embedded(rooted) into HTML. web developers can write dynamically generated web pages quickly.
data-driven web applications. Because, it support for different database systems. PHP code is “embedded” inside a regular HTML document. executed by the web server when the document is requested through a browser. can code all complex things into our web pages by using PHP.
The server will execute our code and return the output to the browser. Because PHP code is executed on the server and not on the client.
what makes PHP so popular? Web developers have been creating Perl/CGI scripts to dynamically generate HTML pages. W3C standards has made JavaScript for modern browsers.
what makes PHP the preferred web scripting language for developers around the world? It has the unique distinction open-source server- side scripting language. easy to learn and extremely powerful to use. PHP uses clear, simple syntax and delights in non obfuscated(confused) code. easy to read and understand. encourages rapid(quick) application development.
There’s cost and availability. PHP is available free of charge on the Internet. It run variety of platforms and architectures, including UNIX, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS, as well as for most web servers.
PHP is an interpreted language. It enables us to perform incremental, iterative development and testing without going through a compile-test-debug cycle each time we change our code. can speed the development cycle hugely. PHP has a variety of data types, a powerful object-oriented engine, a large library of built-in functions, and support for most current web technologies and protocols.
web applications that must interface with a database for developers. So, PHP’s support for the MySQL RDBMS, as well as other commercial database systems. It allows data-heavy web applications. Eg. content portals or electronic-commerce applications. PHP and MySQL open-source projects makes some powerful interactions.