Successfully Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment: Georgia Action Plan Status July, 2014
Planning Team Planning team met March, 2014, to develop action plan to support districts Team members: – Assessment – Special Education – Curriculum
Using data to understand students participating in CRCT-M Examine data for students who transitioned from the CRCT-M back to the standard assessment (CRCT) in 2014 Examine proficiency by grade bands Determine range and frequency of the accommodations provided Determine districts that exceeded the 2% and 1% thresholds in 2014.
Action Steps Develop targeted and tiered technical assistance based upon the analysis of the data. Provide training at state conferences targeting strategies for persistently low performing students.
UDL to improve access to instruction Promote resources available on GaDOE website and – Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) modules and monitor use – Universal Design for Learning (UDL) videos and learning guides Presentations at state conferences – Dave Edyburn: Keynote at IDEAS Conference (Instruction Designed for Education of All Students) and presenter at Georgia Association for Curriculum Instruction Specialists/GaDOE Conference
Accommodations for Instruction and Assessment Contract has been awarded for the development and administration of the new Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) in grades 3 – 8 and high school Testing accommodations information and documents will be updated pending necessary amendments to State Board Rule and in keeping with the design of the assessment system. Parent brochures – 2% transition brochure has been developed, posted, and available to LEA’s and parent mentors. – Re: Georgia Milestones brochure in development
Standards Based IEPs Professional learning has been updated Sessions presented at IDEAS conference regarding Standards Based IEPs procedures, content, and instructional accommodations. ASPIRE (Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement) – Student led IEP’s (SPDG project) – Over 90 schools Further involvement of general education teachers in development of training
Support to improve outcomes for all students, including AA-MAS participants Co-teaching – Resources available on GaDOE website Webinars, Modules – Review status, current research, resources Professional Learning Opportunities to increase academic performance of all students – ELA and Math Summer Academies Gen Ed and Special Ed teachers GaDOE staff attended to target presenters for IDEAS – IDEAS conference—Over 700 teachers attended Encouraging use of technology during instruction
Plans for future Applied for CEEDAR grant for Intensive Technical Assistance to impact teacher preparation programs through identified IHE’s Developing Teacher Resources through Student Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). – Identify existing lesson plans and develop further differentiation using scaffolding and strategies for SWD. Planning team to reconvene in summer – Review and assess what has been accomplished – Review data to inform targeted technical assistance.
Resource Links FIP modules: Assessment/Assessment/Pages/GeorgiaFIP.aspxhttp:// Assessment/Assessment/Pages/GeorgiaFIP.aspx UDL Part 1 UDL Part 2 ASPIRE GA IDEAS presentation handouts: Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/IDEAS aspxhttp:// Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/IDEAS aspx Parent Brochure for Transitioning From 2% Assessment Assessment/Assessment/Documents/CRCT- M%20Phase%20Out%20Parent%20Flyer% pdf Assessment/Assessment/Documents/CRCT- M%20Phase%20Out%20Parent%20Flyer% pdf Co Teaching Current Resources: Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Least- Restrictive-Environment-.aspxhttp:// Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Least- Restrictive-Environment-.aspx ELA Summer Academy