Lecture 24: Cross-correlation and spectral analysis MP574
Correlation and Spectral Analysis Application 4
Review of covariance
Autocorrelation (Autocovariance)
Noise Power
Zero-Mean Gaussian Noise
Power Spectrum E{P n k 2 = 1.12 = R n (0)
Auto-correlation >> for j = 1:256, R(j) = sum(n.*circshift(n',j-1)'); end R n 2 = 1.12
Window Selection: Hamming y = filter(Hamming,1,n);
Hamming Filtered Power Spectrum
White Noise Auto-Covariance vs. Hamming Filtered Noise
Image Noise FieldAutocovariance Filtered Noiseimage = imnoise(I,’gaussian’,0,10); N_autocov = xcorr2(Noiseimage); figure;imagesc(N_autocov/(128*128));colormap(gray);axis('image')
Image Noise Field Power Spectrum Unfiltered figure;imagesc(fftshift(abs(fft2(N_autocov/(128*128)))));colormap(gray);axis('image')
Image Noise Field Autocovariance Filtered (wc = 0.6; order 20; Hamming Window) N_autocov = xcorr2(Noiseimage_filtered); figure;imagesc(N_autocov/(128*128));colormap(gray);axis('image')
Image Noise Field Power Spectrum Filtered (wc = 0.6; order 20; Hamming Window) N_autocov = xcorr2(Noiseimage_filtered); figure;imagesc(N_autocov/(128*128));colormap(gray);axis('image')
Image Filtered Image Filtered (wc = 0.6; order 20; Hamming Window) Rose_filtered = filter2(Z,Roseimage,'same');
Windowing vs. Filtering “Window” applied in temporal or spatial domain to reduce spectral leakage and ringing artifact –Windows fall into a specialized set of functions generally used for spectral analysis “Filter” applied to reduce noise, i.e. noise matching, or to degrade or improve spatial resolution –Some cross-over: one method of filter design is the “window” method which uses window functions for frequency space modulating functions.
Windowing vs. Filtering Mathematically,
Spectral Analysis: Power Spectral Density Typical spectral estimation problem involves estimating spectral components of a signal when there is a mixture of strong and weak frequency components Waveform is the sum of two sinusoids –f 1 = Hz; Amplitude = 1 –f 2 = 16 Hz; Amplitude = 0.01 (-40dB)
Simple Harmonic Waveform Separate Components Signals
Simple Harmonic Waveform Summed Signal
Equivalent Noise Bandwidth Harris, 1974
Equivalent Noise Bandwidth ENBW= Noise Power/Peak Power Gain
Equivalent Noise Bandwidth Harris, 1974
Spectral Resolution Ideal case: f s /N
Window Figures of Merit Highest sidelobe level –The effect results in a a bias in spectral estimates Leakage Increased Noise Bandwidth Stopband for filter design applications Similar measure is asymptotic rate of sidelobe falloff
Rect Window
Hann Window
Hann vs Rectangle (incorrectly called ‘Hanning’)
Hann vs Rectangle
Blackman-Harris vs Rect
Window Figures of Merit Features affecting resolution –Equivalent noise bandwidth –Peak side-lobe level –Asymptotic rate of side-lobe fall off –Spectral resolution
Spectral Analysis Type “sptool” Load in signal –Import into sptool: startup.spt as a “signal” –Sampling frequency is 1kHz (i.e. Fs = 1000) View signal Back to startup.spt, under “spectra” hit create and view. Analyze spectrum as described in the Application
Step 1: Load in signal
View Signal
Create and View Spectrum
Measure frequency content
Window Conditions
Cross-Correlation Example
Image Based Statistical Inference Motivation – Regional patterns of function and disease – e.g. Model of brain function Interconnected networks of structures with specialized function Expect regionally localized response to intervention, disease – Desire a method of making statistical inferences from image-based experimental data
SPM * Toolbox for: – Spatial processing Registration Spatial filtering/smoothing –Regional mismatch –Scale of brain activity – Voxel by voxel statistical modeling – Test hypotheses specific to experimental design Morphometry Functional MRI (fMRI) – Blood Oxygen Level Dependent contrast Cerebral perfusion and blood volume * Friston, KJ. “Introduction: Experimental Design and Statistical Parametric Mapping”
Spatial Processing Time series of data – functional MRI Application 4 simulation: –Time series of a single slice –Voxel specific time-dependent signal –Experimental design includes a periodic stimulation of the motor cortex
fMRI Simulation
One Implementation of Cross-Correlation FFT FFT* FFT × FFT -1 q 1 (n)q 2 (n)
Image Registration Multi-step: Spatial Alignment 1.Rigid body, 6 degree of freedom (dof) affine, registration of temporal data to mask or mean image –3 translation, 3 rotation 2.Co-registration of function and anatomy 3.Spatial normalization to common brain atlas –12 dof affine transformation –(rot, trans, shear, scaling) –Low frequency spatial basis functions –Discrete cosine basis set