Steps of the Scientific Method
Step One State the Problem: What will happen when a hard boiled egg is soaked in vinegar? What will happen when a raw egg is soaked in vinegar?
Step Two Research: The vinegar will have a chemical reaction to the egg shell. The vinegar will attack the calcium carbonate of the eggshell.
Step Three Hypothesis: The vinegar will react to the calcium in the egg shell. It will eat away the shell and leave a rubbery outer layer. The hard boiled yolk will allow the egg to bounce like a ball. The vinegar will react to the calcium in the egg shell of the raw egg but the outer layer will not be as rubbery as the hard boiled egg. The raw insides will not allow the egg to bounce.
Experiment Materials: Hard-boiled egg Raw egg Glass jar Vinegar Procedure: Place the egg in the glass jar and cover it completely with the vinegar. Wait three days and test to see if it bounce. Repeat procedure for both boiled and raw egg.
Results The hard boiled egg bounced like a ball. The height of the bounce reached the ceiling. The raw egg did not bounce. The raw egg left a mess from the raw yolk on the floor. The egg shells did react to the vinegar but the boiled yolk reacted more like rubber compared to the raw yolk.
Conclusion The acid from the vinegar reacted to the calcium carbonate egg shell. The reaction caused the egg shell to form a rubber substance. The hard boiled yolk caused the egg to bounce like a ball and the raw yolk did not bounce.