Finish Start Fractions Estimating Addition Basic Addition Estimating Subtraction Basic Subtraction Graphs Modified by: Carol Schreiber, ITRT, Richmond City Schools
Finish Start Fractions Estimating Addition Basic Addition Estimating Subtraction Basic Subtraction Graphs
This game will take you through all the math you can handle. Click on the first box. Read through the information on the screen, and click on the FRACTION diamond. Be careful, though. If you choose the wrong answer, you’ll be taken back to the initial screen, and you’ll have to start over! HAVE FUN! Click here to go back and get started.
Look at the figure below. What fraction of the figure is shaded?
Which figure shows ¼ ?
Which figure show equal parts?
Go to Estimating Addition
Estimate the sum
Estimate the sum
Estimate the sum
Estimate the sum
Estimate the sum
Go to Basic Addition.
= 71107
= 69124
Go to Estimation Subtraction.
67 – 23 =
89 – 21 =
34 – 17 =
54 – 32 =
78 – 23 =
91 – 63 = 4030
Go to Basic Subtraction.
89 – 23 = 6665 A B
A 62 B 48 C
56 – 18 = 42 A 74 B 38 C
A 46 B 12 C
89 – 23 = 66 A 34 B 56 C
21 – 9 = A F E D C B
Go to After the Graphs.
Whose class at the most apples if each apple represents 5? JonesTonkSmith Jones Rally Tonk = 5
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How many apples did Tonk and Smith eat all together if each apple represents 2? Smith Jones Rally Tonk = 2
Each can in the graph represents 2. How many cans did all of the 4 th grade recycle ? Cans Recycled = 2 Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3
How many cans did teacher 1 and teacher 3 recycle in all? Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Cans Recycled = 5
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