Welcome to 2 nd Grade! Boulder Creek Elementary School
2 nd Grade Teachers Ms. Dietz Ms. Fields Miss Fuery Ms. Magill Mrs. Painter
2 nd Grade Curriculum Reading Print Concepts Phonics Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Strategies
2 nd Grade Curriculum Writing The Writing Process Writing Elements Writing Applications
2 nd Grade Curriculum Math Common Core Standards Math Facts Number Sense and Operations Data Analysis and Probability Discrete Mathematics Patterns, Algebra, and Functions Geometry and Measurement Structure and Logic
2 nd Grade Curriculum Social Studies How the United States Became a Nation Exploration and Western Expansion Cultures and Civilizations of Asia Civics and Government Geography Economics
2 nd Grade Curriculum Science Soils and Plant Growth Balancing and Weighing Life Cycles of Butterflies Health
Walk to Math This program works to add extra intervention and/or enrichment time for students beyond their regular math instruction. Each student’s progress will be monitored to place them in the appropriate group Groups will be reassigned based on data to ensure students are receiving the extra instruction geared to their specific skill level throughout the year. Students will “walk” to the 2 nd Grade Teacher’s classroom for their specific skill area during this time.
2 nd Grade Behavior Expectations All students will be held to a high level of expectations. All students will come to school with a positive attitude. All students will come to school ready to learn. All students will be respectful. All students will follow school and classroom rules. All students will follow directions and have self-control. ACCOUNTABILITY: All students are responsible for their own behavior, homework, and learning!
2 nd Grade Homework Read minutes each day (May use the Ticket to Read program as well to count toward this time). Study Math Facts 15 minutes each day. Complete “Fundation” assignments weekly. Complete any other work assigned by individual teacher.
2 nd Grade Recess Rules Safety First! Swings – Count on someone to 100 to share. Go one direction on monkey bars. Go down slides on bottom, one at a time. Leave personal toys/balls at home. Take turns and follow rules on tetherball. No chase games or tag. Hands off rule. Be respectful of yourself and others. Line up when the whistle blows.
Attendance Attendance is very important for your child to learn all they can this school year. However, a sick child needs to stay home. Getting plenty of sleep and eating a good breakfast helps students learn better and improves behavior. If your child is absent please call the school attendance desk at
Classroom Wish List and Donations Box Tops for Education! Lined Paper – Wide Ruled White Board Markers Copy Paper Kleenex Tissue Crayons, Markers, Glue, Colored Pencils #2 Pencils Gently Used Games
Boulder Creek Elementary PTSO Give Me 5! This plan encourages families and parents of children who attend Boulder Creek Elementary to give 5 hours of service to our school over the course of the school year
Questions????? To contact your child’s teacher you can call the school at and press the room number for that teacher to leave a message. You can write a note and send it with your child. Teachers will send home weekly communication logs and monthly newsletters specific to their classrooms with more information. Classroom helpers? – Contact your child’s teacher specifically. You can also volunteer with our school PTSO!! Field Trips: We would like to ask for a $20 donation per student up front to help plan some good instructional field trips this year. Buses, fuel, and admission costs have greatly increased this year. Class Schedules: Each teacher will send home their specific class schedules to include Art, Music, PE, Computers, and Library.