CashBack for Communities Workshop: SCSN Practitioners Event 13 th February 2013
Aspirations of this workshop Share information about Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities programme Share knowledge about partners’ activities and outcomes across Scotland Discuss evaluation approaches in the programme Hear from CashBack partners Discuss partnership working and future opportunities
CashBack – an overview The CashBack for Communities Programme is a unique Scottish initiative where money recovered from proceeds of crime is invested into community programmes, facilities and activities largely, but not exclusively, for young people CashBack funding is rightly focussed in communities hit by crime and anti-social behaviour but it is also right that every community across Scotland has the opportunity for its young people to work towards achieving their full potential CashBack funds partnerships with Scottish sporting, arts, business, community and youth associations to ensure delivery of projects in every local authority area in Scotland
CashBack – History and evolution Phase 1 – 2008 to 2011; Phase 2 – 2012 to 2014 Phase 1 focussed on sporting, cultural & youth work diversionary programmes Phase 2 expanded the programme to include mentoring, community, early years, employability and educational programmes Following this significant and rapid expansion of CashBack in 2011, the programme was subject to review and tightening of programme management including the bolstering of the delivery team function to focus on delivery of project accountability, communication & engagement and evaluation
Inspiring Scotland’s role as delivery partner Inspiring Scotland is a venture philanthropy charity. Our mission is to create real and lasting change in Scotland’s toughest social issues. Using our learning and experience developed through our four other successful funds, we are applying our performance management approach to the CashBack Programme and working collaboratively to achieve its long term strategic outcomes Focusing on three particular areas: Communication Evaluation Project accountability and sustainability Evaluation is key to every element…
Inspiring Scotland funds 14:19Go PlayGo2PlayEarly Years Early Action Link-Up CashBack for Communities 7 – 10 years2 years, now complete 3 years1 year3 years2 years
The CashBack partners in phase 2 SportYouth workCreativeCommunitiesEarly years Amateur Boxing Scotland Small Grants Scheme Creative ScotlandLink UpJust Play Basketball ScotlandYouthlink ScotlandWorking on Wheels Scottish Football Association The Personal Development Partnership Direct deliveryGrants programmes Scottish RugbyPrinces Trust Development Awards Scottish Sport Futures Scottish Power & Cardonald College
Evaluating the impact To date: work in self-evaluation and in some partners’ externally commissioned evaluations Now: focus on facilitating best practice, sharing learning and evaluating and aggregating overall outcomes and impact of CashBack Diverse delivery across activity strands and both direct delivery and grant-making organisations – lots to pull together
Evaluating the impact Research for Real – commissioned to pull together a logic model and outcomes set across CashBack partners Key = working with partner agencies all across the country to ‘triangulate’ evaluation information and track through what really works
Short term outcomes (up to 1 year) PARTICIPATION 1.Increased participation in positive activity 2. Increased participation by difficult to engage and equalities groups 3.Increased opportunities for new experiences or activities for participants 4.Increased opportunities to develop interests and skills 5.Increased opportunities for continued participation by linking up and signposting to other provision DIVERSION/PROTECTION 1.Increased involvement in structured pro-social and healthy activities 2.Participants have places to go where they feel safe and comfortable PROGRESSION PATHWAYS 1.Greater confidence and self-esteem among participants 2.Participants demonstrate new skills and positive changes in behaviours 3.More participants have achieved accreditation for their learning 4.Participants develop confidence in their skills and develop aspirations for further learning and development ENGAGEMENT 1.Participants are more involved in community-based activities 2.Participants develop positive peer networks and relationships 3.There is increased community-based interaction Intermediate outcomes (1 – 2 years) 1.Sustained participation in positive activities 2.Sustained improvements in health and well-being 3.Sustained improvements in self-esteem and confidence 4.Sustained improvements in awareness of the benefits of play, interactive, physical and social activities 5.Increased supportive social networks and feelings of belonging 6.More participants progress onto further learning, training, and personal development opportunities 7.Increased horizons and improved outlook amongst participants 8.Participants have influenced the opportunities available to them in their community CONFIDENT COMMUNITIES 1.Sustained participation in community-based activity 2.Reduced levels of crime and anti-social behaviour 3.Improved perception of the community as a place to live 4.Increased community esteem and capacity to shape local development 5.Better community integration and cohesion Long term and national outcomes (3 years plus) Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens We live longer, healthier lives We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk We live our lives free from crime, disorder and danger We have strong resilient communities where people take responsibility for their own actions We live in well-designed, sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need
Experience of partners Hearing directly….. Working in partnership in communities across Scotland Evaluation and where opportunities can grow from here…
Working together from here Discussion Partnership working already happening Opportunities
Working together from here Contact details Inspiring Scotland performance advisors – the CashBack delivery team: Elaine McLelland: Rachel Cowper: Sam Linton: