Accessing Facilities or Funding for your club Jane Scott National Development Manager
Idea suggested at Conference 2014 around how to best communicate with local authority Outcome 1: How to link with your LA/facility provider to secure appropriate/additional facility time. Outcome 2: How to access funding to develop the club or start a project What’s this all about…?
Be better aware of facility options in your area Know how to build good relationships with your local facility provider Be aware of potential sources of funding Know how to prepare successful applications Know how to present your club to facility providers and funders By the end of this workshop:
What is available? Council managed Facilities Leisure Trust managed Facilities School access? Community Sport Hubs? Other? Facilities Available
Who is your contact in the facility? Facility Manager / Duty Manager Receptionist / Bookings Administrator Development Officer Community Sport Hub Co-ordinator Other Building relationships…
What is their main aim? Income Generation Maintain Public Access Community Access Club Lets Other Building relationships…
What do they want from you? ££££ Money! Well run club: safe place, inclusive, friendly, etc. Pathways for athletes and coaches Links with local community, Active Schools, other sports clubs – pathways into the sport/club Local Club Accreditation Scheme or SGB accreditation Building relationships…
Once you know what their main purpose is, think about how you can demonstrate that your club helps them meet those aims by being in their venue for training, competition, club base, etc. Show them that giving you a club let is beneficial to them. Gain Facility Access
Awards for All Lottery grants programme £500 - £10,000 projects For not for profit/voluntary or community group, social enterprise, community council, school or statutory body Funds a range of projects that bring local people together, helps people learn, improve local spaces and get people more active Sources of Funding
sportscotland Sports Facilities Fund Main facility investment programme – up to £500k Funds developments that are for the public good and will provide equitable opportunities for increased sports participation by the community at a local level Covers the provision or upgrading of all facilities for the general community For capital expenditure only and in the main, projects that are led by local authorities, clubs, trusts and the like. Sources of Funding
Sportsmatch Aims to encourage commercial businesses to invest in grassroots sport to increase club membership, participation and enhance the quality of experience for participants Matches commercial sponsorship on a £ for £ basis from £500 to £10k Project must either 1) increase club membership or 2) improve the quantity and/or quality of grassroots sports opportunities All projects must be NEW and/or ENHANCE current activities Recently developed and refreshed and has a new focus on increasing club membership Sources of Funding
Commercial Sponsors Do you have links with or contacts in business that you could approach for sponsorship Can be Sportsmatch’d Local Authority / Leisure Trust Local Authorities & Leisure Trusts have various pockets of money for specific projects, e.g. coach education & development, events, etc. Sources of Funding
triathlonscotland Funding is available for new events as well as Championship Race hosts Coach Education – UKCC grants from sportscotland Grant Awarding Bodies Hollywood Trust, Robertson Trust, etc Find more online and at Sources of Funding
Do some research on the fund/trust – what are they looking to achieve? How does your project meet some/all of those goals and are you eligible? Do you have enough information about your project or do you need to do some more research on it or pull together a project plan? Read the guidance notes that come with the application form Look through the application form and bullet point key points to include in your answers Complete the application form and ask your RDO/NDM to look over it and feed back prior to submission How to prepare an application
Do some research on the fund/trust – what are they looking to achieve? How does your project meet some/all of those goals and are you eligible? Do you have enough information about your project or do you need to do some more research on it or pull together a project plan? Who are you going to meet? What are their objectives? Are they the correct person to agree to what you want? What benefit can your club/project offer them? What do you want to achieve by the end of the meeting? How to present your club to facility providers / funders
Do you need to take any materials with you to show/give them? What do you need to discuss? Take your own notes with you so you remember everything. Who are you going with? Another club member? Your triathlonscotland RDO/NDM? Summarise agreed action points at the end of the meeting and agree timescales Think about how you will follow up the meeting: confirm in writing ( ), agreed timescales – and action your points! Show them you mean business and are well organised. How to present your club to facility providers / funders
Questions? If you have any questions or need more information on any of the areas covered in this presentation then get in touch with the triathlonScotland development team by: Phone: