Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill Consultation Event 21 November 2013
Starting Point… Plans for Social Fund reform announced – UC White Paper Dec 2010 Spend in Scotland on Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans transferred to SG Real terms reductions in spend plus complexities of welfare reform Consultation – Autumn 2011 – what and how to deliver High expectations vs. short timescale
Developing the Scottish Welfare Fund Addresses similar needs to previous provision What’s the difference? ►No loans ►Grants and goods ►Local delivery by LG but national guidance ►Linking to other support – it’s holistic
Scottish Welfare Fund – Two Purposes provide a safety net in an emergency when there is an immediate threat to health or safety Crisis Grant enable independent living or continued independent living, reducing the need for institutional care provide support to families under exceptional pressure Community Care Grant To offer grants or in kind support in order to:
Monitoring and Evaluation To inform permanent arrangements and improve decision making/promote consistency: Quantitative - Detailed data spec to IT providers – quarterly upload. (Variable quality). Quarterly qualitative feedback and meetings with LAs. Case sampling and LA visits. Information from complaints and reviews. Independent evaluation including user interviews.
Early Experiences 32 Local Authorities providing a service from day 1 - predominantly based in revs and bens. Problems with IT, online application added later, reporting modules absent, workarounds. Issues with DWP/related welfare benefits – Short Term Benefit Advance, benefit transition. Developing and refining service/fulfilment options, building local networks. Building case experience and refining decision making skills.
Spend Levels High initial demand predicted did not materialise. Spend levels low in first few months – multiple reasons. Revised guidance. Promotional activity under way. Exceeding monthly profile in October. Still early days…
Added Value Service embedded with others – connections to support workers – e.g. homelessness, welfare rights, debt advice. Connections to local support – LA and third sector. Better value for money – economies of scale on goods, furniture re-use, reclaiming VAT. Reduced speculative applications – goods, local knowledge, home visits, support workers.
Challenges National framework but local delivery – achieving consistency in decision making but fostering local responses. Understanding what is happening in a complex system. Links with DWP – information sharing, changes to benefits, avoiding applicant “ping pong”.
Timetable Consult on legislation and plans for second tier review – to 7 February Finalise policy, develop regulations, plans for review and update the draft bill. Introduce legislation – June Make draft regs available for comment – Summer Lay regs – when Royal Assent received for Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill. Permanent scheme in operation – Spring 2015.
Guidance, how to apply, LA contact details, briefing notes etc all at: uk