Grade 9’s choosing their Grade 10 courses
Make realistic choices based on strengths and interests EXPLORE : The Arts, Technology, Business, Hospitality, Healthcare, Physical Education, French/Spanish etc. Timetable changes are difficult or impossible once the semester starts!
Check your credit history /diploma status. 5 compulsory credits- English, Math, History, Science & Careers/Civics. Pick 3 optional courses based on your strengths, interests and future goals. Arts credit ? One to graduate! Complete Community service and submit.
Read short descriptions of courses by clicking on blue course code online or look in “Chart Your Course” Ensure you have the course prerequisite for compulsory courses i.e. applied to applied! However: ENG1P0 and SNC1P0 can lead to ENG2D0 and SNC2D0 (Should have good marks in grade 9 to consider this)
Talk to the teachers in that subject area Talk to your parents and friends but honor your strengths and interests!
HLN2O0 Fashion and Housing
Consider a Specialist High Skills Major in Hospitality or Construction Take a concentration of courses in the subject area plus Coop! You will get a RED SEAL on your graduation diploma For more information, see your counsellor
Attend summer school to do make-up credits If you get 40% or higher in a course, take a 2 week summer make-up If you score below 40%, you must take the full month summer course
You will receive a Course Selection Sheet from your teacher after the assembly
Go to Click on Student Services (top of screen) Click on Course Selection (left) Click on Course Selection Link Login - If you forgot your password, ask your teacher or counselor to reset it To restart, use your birth date (YYMMDD) as the password and change it immediately
You must print off your choices Then have a parent sign it Finally hand it to your Homeroom Teacher.
You must select your courses on-line by Thursday, February 21 st After that date, all changes must go through a counselor Securing courses is first come, first serve
Do it promptly and by February 21 st Do it realistically Do your research If you must make changes, see your counselor and do it before the end of the school year! Good luck!