Essays on the Origins of World War I Daniel W. Blackmon Coral Gables Sr. High
Rules for History Essays Rule # 1: Answer the question that has been asked!!!!!! Rule # 2: Make sure you understand what the question requires of you! Rule # 3: Note the time frame of the question!
Rules for History Essays Rule # 4: Organize your answer! Rule # 5: Provide a clear, well developed thesis within a Thesis Paragraph that lays out the major sub-topics in your essay
Rules for History Essays Rule # 6: The paragraphs of the body of your essay must relate directly to the question! Rule # 7: Each paragraph must be supported by Specific Factual Detail (SFI)!!!!
Rules for History Essays Rule # 8: Be conscious of Change Over Time (COT). Rule # 9: Conclude with a strong summary paragraph.
Initial Tasks Analyze each of the following essays in terms of the Rules listed above.
Initial Tasks What command terms are used? What is the time frame? Is the question specific or open-ended? What sub-topics must be addressed? What will be the thesis?
Initial Tasks What SFI might be used to support the thesis? Does the time frame of the question allow for consideration of COT?
Causes of World War I Is Balance of Power a factor in the causes of World War I? Depending upon each nation’s POV, was the war a war of aggression? A punitive war? A pre-emptive war” An ideological war?
Causes of World War I Was imperialism a factor in the causes of the war, and if so, to what extent? Were proxy wars a factor in the outbreak of World War I?
Causes of World War I From the POV of the various nations, what was the casus belli? Can standing conditions be distinguished from long-term causes, short-term causes, and immediate causes?
Causes of World War I To what extent might the interplay of fears, perceptions, beliefs, hopes, pre-suppositions have influenced the decision by each nation to go to war?
Question # 1 To what extent can it be said that the First World War was caused by the alliance system? [HL] [1999]
Command Term To what extent? Asks candidates to evaluate the success or otherwise of one argument or concept over another. Candidates should present a conclusion, supported by arguments.
Question # 2 How valid is it to claim that Europe "stumbled into" a world war in 1914? (1992) (HL)
Command Term How valid? Adding a second word such as "successfully", "effective", "accurate", or "far" turns a "how" question into one that requires a judgment. The candidate is now expected to provide his/her detailed reasons for that judgment
Question # 3 "Germany must bear the ultimate responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War." How far do you agree with this judgement? (1995) (HL)
Command Term How far do you agree? Adding a second word such as "successfully", "effective", "accurate", or "far" turns a "how" question into one that requires a judgment. The candidate is now expected to provide his/her detailed reasons for that judgment.
Question # 4 Discuss the part played in the outbreak of the First World War by two states (excluding Germany). (2010 A)
Command Term Discuss Asks candidates to consider a statement or to offer a considered review or balanced discussion of a particular topic.
Class Discussion