Unit 4 Weeks 1-5
Unit 4-Week 1 Spelling Words: Suffix -ion Copy spelling words once. 1.admit 2.admission 3.permit 4.permission 5.explain 6.explanation 7.exclaim 8.exclamation 9.include 10.inclusion 11.explode 12.explosion 13.divide 14.division 15.decide 16.decision 17.omit 18.omission 19.collide 20.collision
Unit 4-Week 2 Spelling Words: Vowel Alternation Copy spelling words once. 1.compete 2.competition 3.moment 4.momentous 5.crime 6.criminal 7.refer 8.reference 9.nation 10.national 11.metal 12.metallic 13.final 14.finality 15.reside 16.resident 17.origin 18.original 19.ignite 20.ignition
Unit 4-Week 3 Spelling Words: Prefixes and Suffixes Copy spelling words once. 1.disgraceful 2.unsuccessful 3.outlandish 4.outsider 5.incorrectly 6.enjoyment 7.disappointment 8.discouragement 9.enforcement 10.repayment 11.enclosure 12.unselfish 13.unhappiness 14.disapproval 15.unfairness 16.reminder 17.designer 18.departure 19.delightful 20.unevenly
Unit 4-Week 4 Spelling Words: Greek and Latin Prefixes Copy spelling words once. 1.co-worker 2.commission 3.profession 4.proportion 5.companion 6.intersection 7.postwar 8.transparent 9.submit 10.interrupt 11.postpone 12.cooperate 13.submarine 14.transformation 15.transform 16.suburb 17.combine 18.interfere 19.transfer 20.copilot
Unit 4-Week 5 Spelling Words: Consonant Alternation Copy spelling words once. 1.crumb 2.crumble 3.design 4.designate 5.solemn 6.solemnity 7.muscle 8.reject 9.rejection 10.create 11.creation 12.public 13.publicity 14.muscular 15.prejudice 16.prejudicial 17.magic 18.magician 19.office 20.official