Drumming for the Lost ACME DoGood Corporation 3/27/14
Mission ●Our overall purpose is to help lost teens in the Detroit area find a sense of belonging, acceptance, and a home. ●It was founded in ●This organization is targeted at teens.
About Us ●Our headquarters are right in Detroit, Michigan. ●We currently have 20 employees and counting. ●We hope to expand our building later this year. ●Our annual budget is $10,000.
Projects ●opening more locations ●sponsoring various summer camps ●offering more after-school programs ●opening up to a broader age range ●adding different percussion instruments
Helping the Community Students attending our first summer camp trial. The above locations in red are where we plan on expanding. Local teen at our new after-school program. Local child testing our new kid-friendly environment. New percussion instruments we hope to soon get through helpful donations.