Inputs to the Budget Vote 20 Sport and Recreation South Africa Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation 01 JULY
Background 2 The Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa puts the onus on all spheres of government to “heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on equality and social justice”; “to improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person” as well as “build a nation that would hold its rightful place among other nations.” This vision of a developmental country did not only lay a foundation for local government to “promote social and economic development; safe and healthy environment” but also to encourage the involvement of all stakeholders in nation building. Local government therefore seeks to edify and support this ideal by fulfilling it constitutional and legislative mandate of human development and social cohesion.
SALGA’s Mandate 3 The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) as the official representative of its members in local government has a vested interest in ensuring social cohesion and human development in all municipalities as it affects all its members directly or indirectly. Specifically SALGA given its mandate is in a position to play a central role in the implementation of the National Sports and Recreation Plan especially when it comes to programmes such as the Mass Participation Programmes. These are programmes that are implemented at the community level where more and more developmental funds should be channelled.
Overview of Sport & Recreation 4 Sport and Recreation is a multifaceted function of government that is shared by all spheres of government, Local government is specifically responsible for the provision of Sport Facilities, Parks and Recreation as indicated on Schedule 5B of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. By implication this places local government at the heart of sports in the country – a task so huge that even the implementation of the National Sports and Recreation Plan depends of the well-being of sport facilities and how recreation and development is facilitated at municipal level. SALGA therefore has a key role to drive mass participation in sport and recreation.
Sport and Recreation at local level 5 Recently SALGA has developed a Local Government Sport and Recreation Framework aimed at: Encouraging social cohesion by bringing together people from diverse backgrounds; Creation of sporting families by encouraging community participation of parents, extended family members, guardians and children; Ensuring that sport is not over emphasised at the expense of recreation; Assisting with levelling the playing field in terms of facilities by advocating for the development of sports infrastructure (i.e. district multi-purpose sports centres); Provinces and municipalities are at different levels of capacity, a common framework and coordinating unit can assist municipalities greatly; and Supporting local municipalities with regard to the effective use of MIG portion ring fenced for sports infrastructure.
Sport and Recreation at local level (cont...) 6 Through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) municipalities have an opportunity not only to build and construct sports facilities but to also ensure that the facilities are maintained and upgraded continuously. This grant also allows for those areas that have limited resources to have modern facilities where women, children and even the people with disabilities could access and utilize for the advancement of all sectors of society. Expanding opportunities for participation in sports will help to ensure teams represent all sectors of society, and that South Africa produces results that match its passion for sport.
Mass Participation Grant 7 Currently the Mass Participation Grant allocated to Provinces and Municipalities for the Active Nation Programme over the MTEF is: (Rands)2014/ / /2017 Total Allocation525.6million549.8million578.9million Per Province58.4million61.1million64.3million Per Municipality1.8million1.9million2.1million
Mass Participation Grant 8 The transfers and subsidies for the Mass Participation and Sports Development Grant have grown at about 5.2% over the period with an estimated total expenditure of 85%. SALGA welcomes this commitment.
Funding challenges 9 Many municipalities still struggling with under utilization of stadia and other sport facilities despite the high maintenance costs they incur; Exclusion of majority of population especially township and rural communities from the mainstream development programmes; Lack of local funding to sustain sport development at local government level in particular local municipalities; This puts limitations on Mass Participation on sport especially with local clubs unable to make use of facilities; Limited joint and targeted programmes to develop sport and recreation at ward level to support high performance teams in the long run.
Conclusion 10 SALGA therefore supports the proposed budget allocations to support mass participation of communities in sport and recreation in line with the local government framework; We welcome the strengthening of relations with extraordinary institutions like SRSA, SASCOC and others in the development of our local communities to a professional level and a delivery of high performing teams from these wards to all multi-sports international games. This is directly in line with the aspirations of our Constitution of building a nation that recognizes the capabilities of its citizens.