The Korean War Chapter 19 Section 3


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Presentation transcript:

The Korean War Chapter 19 Section 3 About 1.5 million Americans served in Korea, 54,000 died there and more than 100,000 are wounded or reported missing Not until 1986 did Congress approve the Korean War Memorial

*The Chinese Civil War Civil war began in the mid-1920s. Mao Zedong, Communist, won support by redistributing land, offering schooling, & healthcare. Nationalists party, led by Chiang Kai-shek, fought back against Mao and the Communists. *Despite aid from the West, China fell to communism. *Renewed U.S. belief in the domino theory Mao

*The Division of Korea WWII ended before a plan could be made for Korean independence from Japan. *Korea was temporarily divided at the 38th parallel, the latitude line running through the approximate midpoint of the peninsula. S. Korean = pro-American government N. Korea = Communist government

*Korean Conflict (War) *June 1950, Korean War broke out when N. Korean troops invaded S. Korea Goal = reunite the nation by force. *U.S. leaders believe we need to ‘contain’ communism due to the Truman Doctrine UN resolution called on its members to defend S. Korea & restore peace (80% troops American) Claimed 5 million lives and involved 22 nations; inspired the tv sitcom MASH

*Korean Conflict General D. MacArthur commanded U.S. forces. MacArthur attacked N. Korean supply lines & gained an advantage pushing the North almost into China. *A stalemate develops after China helps N. Korea & pushes UN forces back into S. Korea.

President Harry Truman and Gen President Harry Truman and Gen. Douglas MacArthur met on Wake Island in the fall of 1950 to discuss the recent invasion of South Korea by North Korea. MacArthur advocated an expansion of military operations so as to defeat the Chinese Communists and unify Korea. Truman feared that the general's suggestions would tie down American forces in Asia, give Russia new opportunities in Europe, and lead to a world war. When MacArthur publicly criticized administration policies, Truman removed him from command on Apr. 11, 1951. (The Bettmann Archive)

Air war video

*Korean Conflict *MacArthur wanted to break the stalemate by opening a second front in China. Truman opposed the strategy, fearing war in Asia & vulnerability in Europe with USSR. MacArthur wrote a letter to Congress, attacking Truman’s policies. Letter became public, Truman forced to fire MacArthur *Returned home a hero (WWII)

*Result of the Korean Conflict* Result = 1953, a truce was signed that kept Korea divided at the 38th parallel. N. Korea remained Communist. S. Korea remained Democratic.

*Effects of the Korean War on the U.S.* 1. Defense spending increased 2. U.S. military is permanently mobilized 3. The Military-Industrial Complex is created (Monetary $ relationship between the military, scientific technology, & corporations)

REVIEW 1. China became a _______ country despite U.S. aid. 2. What was the immediate cause of the Korean War? 3. Korea was & is now divided at the? 4. Who criticized President Truman, was fired, & returned home a hero? 5. The U.S. was scared to let S. Korea fall to the communists because of their belief in the?

*The Arms Race Throughout, the 1950s, the U.S. & the USSR competed in an arms race (nuclear missiles). We used ‘Deterrence’, maintaining a military arsenal so strong that no enemy will attack. Resulted in escalation, development of more powerful nuclear weapons. Nikita Khruschev, replaced Stalin as leader of USSR, 1956-64 *Led to increased tension between the US and the Soviet Union

*The Arms Race *The policy of ‘brinkmanship’ = to bluff, bringing the U.S. to the edge of nuclear war by pushing a dangerous situation to the limit of safety to force a desired outcome. During Eisenhower’s presidency, the U.S. & the USSR stood on the ‘brink’ of nuclear war!

Suez Canal 1956, Egypt sought help from the USSR to nationalize the canal. The U.S. & Britain cut off their aid to Egypt. Egypt then seizes the Suez Canal & Israel, Britain, & France invade Egypt. U.S. , USSR, & the UN force Israel, France & Britain out of Egypt using negotiations. President Eisenhower offered aid to countries in the Middle East to fight off communist aggression.

Cold War Around the World Prior & during WWII, many European Jews fled to Palestine. 1947, the UN created two states, one Jewish, one Arab. 1948, the Jews proclaimed the land as Israel.

Their Arab neighbors saw this as their homeland and attacked Israel. Soviets backed the Arabs, U.S. backed the Israelis.

*The ‘H’ bomb September 1949, Truman announced the Soviet Union had successfully tested an atomic bomb. *In response, the U.S. began developing the more powerful hydrogen bomb, The U.S. reestablished itself as the world’s leading nuclear power.

*Military Industrial Complex *Relationship that developed during the Cold War between the military, scientific, & corporate communities. Gave us an ‘edge’ against the communists Relationship that is worth a lot of $$$$

*Sputnik I: 1957 *October 4, 1957 The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into orbit. Ignited the Space Race, a part of the larger Cold War. The launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. *Marked the start of the Space Age. What do you think the reaction was here in the United States?

*Sputnik 1, the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth. Sputnik 2 with 1st living creature to orbit earth.

In what year was defense spending the highest? Why? In what year were human resources & other functions the closest?

Review Who became leader of the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin died? Define: brinkmanship What was the importance of Sputnik 1? What was special about Sputnik 2? What was the U.S. response to the Soviet Unions first atomic bomb? What is the Military Industrial Complex?