Detectors for Tomorrow and After Tomorrow… Amos Breskin Radiation Detection Physics Group Weizmann Institute 1 Amos Breskin
Scientific activities Research topics: Basic detection-related phenomena: New detector concepts Detector applications: HEP (LHC, ILC, RHIC); “Astro” (DM, SN); Homeland security… Prostate Tumor Zn X-ray beam X-ray detector Zn characteristic X- ray Rectal wall WIMP Gas Liquid e E photomultiplier Xe Prostate cancer DNA damage MAIN INTEREST: GAS-AVALANCHE DETECTORS e - multipliers Gas photomultipliers Optical-TPC Noble-liquid detectors n-imaging Ionization patterns 2 Amos Breskin
Thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) SIMPLE, ROBUST, LARGE-AREA Printed-circuit technology* 1 e - in e - s out E THGEM Double-THGEM: higher gains ~ 10-fold expanded GEM A.B. et al. Weizmann Effective single-electron detection Few-ns time resolution Sub-mm position resolution >MHz/mm 2 rate capability Cryogenic operation: OK Broad pressure range: 1mbar - few bar Thickness 0.5-1mm GOAL: simple detector with moderate (sub-mm) resolution 4 Amos Breskin * production: CERN PCB workshop Print Electronics, Israel
Double-THGEM photon-imaging detector RICH UV photon e-e- Segmented readout electrode CsI photocathode THGEM Currently R&D for upgrade of CERN-COMPASS RICH Important FACTS for RICH: - Single-photon sensitivity - Simple, robust, compact, large area - Fast, good localization - Photon detection efficiency : ~ 170 nm -Lower discharge probability than MWPC/CsI UV detector & faster recovery S. Dalla Torre, INFN Trieste 5 Amos Breskin
Digital Hadron Calorimetry for ILC (If) ILC: Precision studies of new physics Hadron calorimetry requires 2-fold improved JET-energy resolution: present 60%/ E 30%/ E Digital SiD: Requires: thin, efficient, highly-segmented, compact, robust sampling elements. candidates: RPC, D-GEM, Micromegas, THGEM ~7mm Fe Sampling jets + advanced pattern recognition algorithms Very high-precision jet energy measurement. CALICE simulations: σ/E jet ~3-4% With Andy White (UTA) + Coimbra & Aveiro 6 Amos Breskin
Few-mm thin, THGEM-based sampling elements - High efficiency (>96%/98%) with minimal multiplicity (~1.1/1.2) for muons - Discharges: rare; do not affect electronics - Micro-discharges: do not affect performance - Total thickness (excluding electronics) : 5-6 mm. Underway: optimization studies & R&D on large-area detectors. Ne/5%CH 4 A competitive robust technique 7 Amos Breskin
cryogenic gas-photomultipliers (GPM) for noble-liquid scintillators for noble-liquid scintillators - Generic R&D - Compton camera for medical imaging - UV detectors for DM search (XENON, DARWIN) - Combined fast-neutron & Gamma radiography 8 Amos Breskin
XENON100Kg: running with PMTs! PROBLEM: exorbitant cost of future multi-ton detectors! WIMP interaction LXe e- GPM Detector Primary scintillation EGEG ELEL Secondary scintillation Xe-gas GPM Detector UV-window Ne/CF4 RD51: Weizmann/Nantes/Coimbra Vacuum Photodetectors PMTs or QUPID GPM: Dark Matter search ? Two-phase XENON1t Dark Matter Detector concept E. Aprile/XENON (incl. Weizmann) 1m S1 S2 S2/S1 background rejection LXe 9 Amos Breskin
Combined gamma & fast-neutron imaging detector. Gammas and neutrons interact with liquid-xenon; the resulting UV photons are detected with a double-THGEM, CsI-coated gaseous photomultiplier. Great Challenge: Combined /n imaging detectors possibly thin capillaries filled with liquid xenon (LXe) 10m TOF: Gammas: ~30ns Fast-n: ~ ns “Moderate” electronics LXe SCINTILLATOR: - High density (3 g/cm 3 ) - Fast (2ns) - Good spectral match w CsI-photocathode: 175nm - 3cm LXe: high efficiencies: - n: 15-25% - 30-40% 11B(d,n)12C Detection of explosives & nuclear materials 10Amos Breskin
Cryo-GPM with LXe Duval 2011 JINST 6 P4007 GPM: THGEM/PIM/Micromegas GPM 200 ns Gain K FIRST Scintillation induced signals in LXe by 5.5MeV alphas GPM vs 173K INTENSE R&D in a novel LXe Weizmann 11 Amos Breskin
Weizmann Institute Liquid Xenon Facility (WILiX) TPC-GPM testing ground Inner chamber (LXe) Vacuum insulation Gate valve GPM load-lock GPM guide, gas, cables Xe heat exchanger Xe liquefier TPC Basic consideration: allow frequent modifications in GPM without breaking the LXe equilibrium state GPM L Arazi, M Rappaport 12 Amos Breskin
Towards single-phase TPCs Simpler techniques? Sufficient signals? Lower thresholds? Cheaper? How to record best scintillation & ionization S1, S2? 13 Amos Breskin
Cascaded Liquid Hole-Multipliers LHM Modest charge multiplication + Light- amplification in sensors immersed in the noble liquid, applied to the detection of both scintillation UV- photons (S1) and ionization electrons (S2). -UV-photons impinge on CsI-coated THGEM electrode; -extracted photoelectrons are trapped into the holes, where high fields induce electroluminescence (+possibly small charge gain); -resulting photons are further amplified by a cascade of CsI- coated THGEMs. -Similarly, drifting S2 electrons are focused into the hole and follow the same amplification path. -S1 and S2 signals are recorded optically by an immersed GPM or by charge collected on pads. Holes: -Small- or no charge-gain -Electroluminescence (optical gain) 14 Amos Breskin
S1 & S2 with LHM Detects S1&S2 A dual-sided single-phase TPC DM detector with top, bottom and side THGEM-LHMs. The prompt S1 scintillation signals are detected with all LHMs. The S2 signals are recorded with bottom and top LHMs. Highlights: Higher S1 signals lower expected detection threshold Shorter drift lengths lower HV applied & lower e- losses 15 Amos Breskin Liquid xenon
CSCADED LHMs L E LHM S1, S2 S1 LOW HV for large-volume Relaxed electron lifetime Need: low radioactivity and pad-readout C C C C 16 Amos Breskin Liquid xenon
SUMMARY Advances in Detector Physics Main trend: THGEM R&D, production and applications RT: RICH & DHCAL CRYO: UV photons & charge detection in noble liquids for: DM, Medical, Inspection 17 Amos Breskin