Label the following: a group, an aggregate, social category 1.People standing in line at Walmart 2.Social Studies Dept. at Northshore High 3.Teenagers 4.Right-handed people 5.African Americans 6.NAACP 7.1 st lunch in NHS cafeteria 8.Student council 9.Men 10.People over 6 feet tall 11.Mr & Mrs. Boudreaux 12.NHS basketball team 13.Chi Omega Sorority
Comparing Societies Emile Durkheim : Mechanical solidarity-when people share the same values and perform the same tasks they become united in a common whole (ex. Most pre-industrial soc.) Organic solidarity- impersonal social relationships that arise with increased job specialization in which individuals can no longer provide for all of their own needs Ferdinand Tonnies Gemeinshaft “community”- refers to societies in which most members know each other. (ex. Preindustrial rural village Gesellschaft- “society”- most social relationships are based on need rather than on emotions ( impersonal and temporary) (ex. modern US- example)
Groups Define their boundaries Have symbols, uniforms, gestures, handshakes, & language/jargon Have a goal Control their member’s behavior (sanctions)
Groups have leaders Instrumental leader-task-oriented; find specific means that will help a group reach its goal Expressive leaders- emotion oriented; find ways to keep the group together and maintain morale
Weber’s model of bureaucracy 1.Division of labor 2.Hierarchy of Authority 3.Written Rules and Regulations 4.Specific lines of promotion and advancement 5.Employment Based on Technical Qualifications
Advantages of Bureaucracies – Best way to coordinate a large number of people – Create order Disadvantages of Bureacracies – lose sight of original goal – Bureacratic personality-following the rules/ proliferation of red tape – Result in oligarchies
Govt. organizations can be bureaucratic So can voluntary associations Can have primary groups within large bureaucracies Read p. 87 What are the positives and negatives of a bureaucracy
Iron law of oligarchy Tendency of organizations to become increasingly dominated by a small group of people. Peter Principle- people are often promoted to positions for which they may have little ability ( rise to your own level of incompetence)