Espoo TDC Espoo Transport Dispatch Centre
Espoo TDC Espoo? In the capital region inhabitants Land area about 312 km 2
Espoo TDC Why a TDC? The growth of transport costs
Espoo TDC Why a TDC? The growth of the share of elderly people
Espoo TDC How to create a TDC? The mayor set up a working group to prepare a feasility study The feasibility study of Espoo TDC was completed The continuation project started, during which decision to establish the TDC and to call tenders Call for Expressions of Interest Call for Tenders Total of 9 tenders was received Finnish Post was evaluated to be the top-rated TDC contract between city of Espoo and Finnish Post TDC started in pilot area TDC service covered the whole city
Espoo TDC How to organise a TDC?
Espoo TDC What was learned from the process? The process needs a long time and a lot of co-operation between all participants The gathering of profile data is very laborious task and takes (always) more time than expected It is important to give openly (and often) information to the future clients Even more important is to have the representatives of the client groups participating in the planning process
Espoo TDC How does the Espoo TDC work? The TDC operator is Mobisoft, as in Tampere About trips per month by TDC In addition about 300 trips per month in service lines and about trips per month in common public transport Average waiting time in telephone calls is about 20 seconds The amount on feedback is moderate, about 100 calls per month (containing also calls about alteration of profile data)
Espoo TDC What has happened to the transport costs?
Espoo TDC What do the customers think about TDC?
Espoo TDC What about the future? Special school transports in the autumn 2006 Several other transports later (with consideration) Co-operation with other municipalities in Helsinki region by the year 2009?