Graphing Calculator Rentals: Visualize the Possibilities John Holm Wright State University Math Labs: Integral to Student Success Conference Bowling Green State University August 6, 2009
Wright State University Located in Dayton, Ohio Founded as branch campus of Miami and Ohio State Universities, 1964 Chartered as independent university, 1967 Enrollment: 16,672 as of Fall Quarter 2008 Open undergraduate admission policy
Math Learning Center Founded in 2000 Staffed by director and about 20 part-time student-employees Operates on free walk-in basis Open 42 hours per week Housed in Student Academic Success Center Developmental Education Math Learning Center Supplemental Instruction Tutoring Services Writing Center
Inspiration A post to MathServ community, Spring 2006 “I am in the process of writing a proposal for a ‘calculator loan’ program. I plan to have graphing calculators available in the MLC for students who cannot afford to purchase them....” —Mary Middleton, Colorado State University-Pueblo Holly, who was sharing a calculator with her roommate, Winter 2007 Request for proposals for WSU’s Teaching Enhancement Fund, Spring 2007 $200,000 was available to the campus community to address teaching and learning priorities. Grants of up to $20,000 were awarded on a competitive basis.
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page Applying for the grant Purchasing calculators in bulk Marketing to instructors and students Tracking calculators and handling deposits Keeping program statistics
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page
Grant proposal for GCRP Cover page Overview The need A Teaching Enhancement Fund grant would enable the Center to make quarter-long loans and provide much-needed technology at all times: in the Center, during class, or at home. Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page
Grant proposal for GCRP Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page Applying for the grant Purchasing calculators in bulk Marketing to instructors and students Tracking calculators and handling deposits Keeping program statistics
August 2007: 50 new calculators!
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page Applying for the grant Purchasing calculators in bulk Marketing to instructors and students Tracking calculators and handling deposits Keeping program statistics
Marketing to instructors and students For the initial quarter, the program was promoted intensively in MTH 128 (College Algebra) and MTH 129 (Accelerated College Algebra), where students are expected to use graphing calculators for the first time. Graph
Marketing to instructors and students During subsequent quarters, when the program was marketed more broadly, MTH 145 (Math and the Modern World) students rented the most calculators. If $10,000 is invested at an interest rate of 12% per year, find the balance at the end of three years if interest is compounded a)annually b)semiannually c)quarterly d)monthly e)daily
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page Applying for the grant Purchasing calculators in bulk Marketing to instructors and students Tracking calculators and handling deposits Keeping program statistics
Rental terms Amount of deposit/rental fee Length of loan Consequences for not returning calculator Replacement batteries
GCRP rentals by quarter, 2007–2008 and 2008–2009 QuarterNumber of rentals (available units) Fall (50) Winter (62) Spring (62) Fall (88) Winter (88) Spring (88)
Grant proposal for Graphing Calculator Rental Program (GCRP) Cover page Overview The need Courses and students impacted Procedure Budget Assessment Conclusion Signature page Applying for the grant Purchasing calculators in bulk Marketing to instructors and students Tracking calculators and handling deposits Keeping program statistics
GCRP participants by course and grade, 2007–2009 Grade Course ABCDFXWK Total College Algebra Acc. College Algebra Precalculus Trigonometry Math & Modern World Business Calculus Calculus I Calculus II5139 Statistics Other Total Includes Summer 2008 but not Summer 2009
Success rate in College Algebra QuarterGCRP studentsAll students Fall % of 1857% of 254 Winter % of 1362% of 298 Spring % of 1449% of 234 Fall % of 1656% of 290 Winter % of 2349% of 304 Spring % of 3358% of 259 Success rate = (number of A’s, B’s, and C’s)/(number of grades) x 100
Ongoing expenses Wages for staffing “calculator return times” during finals week Replacement AAA batteries
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Contact information John Holm Director, Math Learning Center Wright State University Dayton, OH (937)