Automotive Class Procedures and Safety Rules Designed for the protection of you & others Always Remember to “Work Smart”
Safety First!!
Come to class prepared Pencil Notebook A good attittude
Attendance Be on time for class Do not miss class!!! You are responsible for missed work
Dismissal Bell Do not leave class until instructor gives permission Do not line up at the door
Be on time.
Bathroom Use the bathroom before class
No Food or Drink
No MP3 Players No electronic devices No games
No Cell Phones
Everyone must wear Safety eye protection while observing or taking part in lab activities, before, during & after school. (Z.87 ANSI approved eyewear)
It’s the Law Safety eye protective goggles (1) (1) Every student and teacher in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions participating in or observing any of the following courses is required to wear appropriate industrial quality eye protective goggles at all times while participating in or observing such courses or laboratories:
One More Bit of Eye Injury Info 2.5 million eye injuries occur annually in the U.S. 2,500 of those per day from workplace accidents Over 60% of workers injured are not wearing safety eye protection at the time of the injury The average cost of an eye injury is $4,000 The best eye protection you can wear is the kind you will wear! Please keep them on at all times.
Ear protection is recommended when decibel levels exceed healthy levels.
Skin protection is recommended when working with chemicals & corrosives.
Wear appropriate clothing while performing tasks.
Proper Footwear Required No sandals
Long Pants Required No Shorts Welders cover all skin
Do not wear jewelry on your wrists, fingers, ears, or neck while working on vehicles.
Long hair must be tied back to prevent getting caught up in moving machinery.
Horseplay, practical jokes, and fooling around will not be tolerated in the shop or the classroom.
Shop cleanliness & orderliness is important for a safe and efficient work environment.
Keep tools in good condition by using them properly and storing them properly. Please store them cleanly too.
Don’t attempt to use equipment that you are unfamiliar with. Always get the instructor’s demonstration before use.
One person operating machine
Approach Every Machine as if it were On
Keep all Safety Guards in Place
Never Leave Running Machine Unattended
Clean Metal Chips with Brush or Vacuum
Use the Right Tool
Turn on exhaust fan Breathing toxic fumes is dangerous
Empty Your Pockets No lighters No electronic devices
When doing heavy or awkward lifting, always get assistance and lift with your knees, not your back.
Report all injuries to the teacher immediately.
Know First Aid Kit location
If injured, do not leave the area, the office must be called for first-aid. (9911)
Use good judgment in all situations
No Vandalism Vandalism or theft of school property or theft of another student’s projects or possessions may result in, but is not limited to: removal from class with an F, expenses for damages or loss, charged with destruction of private/public property, and/or theft, and possible expulsion from school.
Don’t Be Stupid
Be respectful
Types of Fires Class A= Class B= Class C=
Do not cause sparks or fire in the area, especially near gasoline, batteries, or other fuel sources such as solvents or cleaners.
Fire Extinguishers Located near exits Dry Chemical Type –A, B, and C fires
Emergency Exit Fire Drill –Go out nearest exit and meat across the street Tornado Drill –In hallway by classroom Code Red (Intruder Drill) –Stay in classroom,
Know the location of the MSDS binder. Material Safety Data Sheet
The ABC Rule of Shop Safety is Always Be Careful
Safety Quiz