A radiation-tolerant LDO voltage regulator for HEP applications F.Faccio, P.Moreira, A.Marchioro, S.Velitchko CERN
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Outline Motivation Specifications Implementation Measured performance Radiation performance Conclusion
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Motivation Power distribution in LHC experiments is a real challenge Need for voltage regulation close to the electronics to be powered: linear regulators are often used To limit (useless) power dissipation, LDO regulators are desired, having drop-out voltages as low as mV Rad-hard regulators with these characteristics are prohibitively expensive A rad-hard LDO regulator with limited current capability (300mA) can be developed as an ASIC using “our” quarter micron CMOS process at low cost!
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Specifications MinTypMaxComment Output V (V) 2.5 Fixed in this version Input V (V) Output I (mA) Dropout V (mV) 150 At 300mA current Quiescent I (mA) 1 Over-V prot. (V) 3.5 Protects regulator itself Over-I prot. (mA) Switch to current regulation Over-T prot. ( o C) Disable in/out yes Possible to disable, output flag
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Implementation (1) Regulator named “CRTREG1”, as part of the CERN Radiation Tolerant (CRT) family of components External compensation solution chosen: the dominant pole is the output pole This imposes value (min. 1, suggested 6.6 F) and characteristics (low ESR of the order of 20mOhm) of the output compensation capacitance, but allows for larger regulator bandwidth, hence good PSRR and transient response Integrated in 0.25 m CMOS technology using radiation-tolerant layout techniques
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Implementation (2) Functional block diagram off Over-V monitor Over-T monitor Switches for disable Over-I monitor Error amplifier R1 R2 Bandgap VinVout Gnd Disable in Disable flag
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Implementation (3) Chip size: 2x2mm Multiple pads for input and output current Mounted on a very compact plastic package (4.9 x 6.1 x 1.6 mm), 16L-EPP-SSOP
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Measured performance Samples packaged and mounted on test boards, with different output capacitors (to test transient response) 10 samples measured Quiescent current: 800 A at Vin=2.65V; 950 A at Vin=3.3V Output noise (Cout=6.6 F), over full bandwidth: 170 V rms for I=0 170 V rms for I=0 530 V rms for I=250mA 530 V rms for I=250mA CRTREG1 Cout
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Measured performance: line and load regulation Measurements on 10 samples Dropout at 300mA output current: average 160mV, maximum 235mV Line regulation above Vin=2.8V, for I=300mA: average 1.7mV (0.09%/V), maximum 2.5mV (0.14%/V) Load regulation from I=0 to I=300mA, for Vin=2.8V: average 14.2mV (0.0018%/mA), maximum 15.5mV (0.002%/mA) Line regulation Load regulation
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Measured performance: protections Over-Temperature OK: when regulator draws more than 1.8A at Vin=3.3V, it is disabled (test in temperature done by disabling Over-current protection and heating the regulator with large currents) Over-Voltage OK: when Vin is above about 3.55 V, the regulator is disabled Over-Current works but sets-in at current depending on Vin (up to 800mA). Origin understood and easy to correct.
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Measured performance: line and load transients Line transients: Transient of 500mV Vin At 100 A and 250mA For Cout =3.3 F and 6.6 F Load transients: Transient from I=0 to 250mA Transient from I=0 to 250mA At Vin=2.65, 2.8 and 3.3V At Vin=2.65, 2.8 and 3.3V For Cout =1 F, 3.3 F and 6.6 F For Cout =1 F, 3.3 F and 6.6 F Vin=2.8V, Cout=6.6 F Time 10 S/div Output voltage 100mV/div 0 to 250mA 250mA to 0 I=250mA, Cout=6.6 F Output voltage 50mV/div Time 10 S/div Input voltage 200mV/div
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Measured performance: PSRR Power Supply Rejection measured injecting sine wave signal at different frequency at the input (50-100mV peak-peak) Measurements for I=0 and 250mA, and for Cout=3.3 F and 6.6 F Vin=3V Cout=6.6 F Able to filter effectively at full load up to 100kHz (similar regulators cut at 1kHz typically)
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Radiation performance (1) Irradiation at IONISOS (Dagneux, F) with a 60 Co source; dose rate about 200 krad/h Regulators under bias during irradiation: Vin=3V, I=0 (3 samples) and 250mA (3 samples) TID levels achieved: 1.7 Mrad – 1 sample 1.7 Mrad – 1 sample 7.1 Mrad – 1 sample 7.1 Mrad – 1 sample 12.4 Mrad – 2 samples 12.4 Mrad – 2 samples 20 Mrad – 2 samples 20 Mrad – 2 samples Measured performed for all samples at the end of irradiation, hence after annealing for hours at room T and under bias
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Radiation performance (2) Main effect: output voltage shifts with TID (max 110mV after 20Mrad). This is due to shift in bandgap voltage reference. Line and load regulation do not change significantly Line regulation before (dots) and after 20Mrad (lines) I=0 to 300mA, step 50mA Load regulation before (dots) and after 20Mrad (lines) Vin=2.6V Vin=2.65V Vin=2.7V Vin=3V and 3.5V
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Radiation performance summary Output voltage shifts with TID Over-voltage detection threshold shifts with TID TID effects not dependent on load condition Regulator tolerant to TID up to 20Mrad, probably more
Heidelberg LECC05F.Faccio – CERN/MIC Conclusion CRTREG1, a compact LDO radiation-tolerant voltage regulator has been developed Its performance is well comparable to commercial LDO regulators (dropout, line and load regulation, transient response, PSSR) First prototype fully working, easy correction to be implemented for better stability of over-current protection Radiation tolerance up to 20Mrad from 60 Co source has been demonstrated The regulator is ready for production