Lincoln Assassination Chris Poturalski
Before the Assassination Happened 5 days after the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House He was first American President to be assassinated Andrew Jackson was an unsuccessful attempt Multiple attempts to kill or kidnap the president before April 14.
Assassination On, April 14, 1865, Lincoln was attending a play at Ford’s Theatre to watch Our American Cousin. John Wilkes Booth snuck in the room and shot Lincoln in the back of the head. After he shot Lincoln, he escaped by jumping down onto the stage. He broke one of his leg and shouted Sic semper Tyrannus
Background of Booth An actor Strongly opposed abolition of slavery Member of the Knights of the Golden Circle Formed conspiracy with multiple other perpetrators Hoped the assassination would revive the government
Booth’s earlier opportunities Original plan was to kidnap President to keep for ransom in March 4 th 1865 – Lincoln’s second inaugural speech. “a splendid chance… to kill the president where he stood.” March 17 th 1865 – plan to kidnap the president
Lincoln-Booth relationship Lincoln Admired the works of Booth Went to multiple plays Invited him to the White House Wrote letters to Booth Booth Hated the President “I would rather have applause from a Negro than that of the president.” Declined invitation to White House
Lincoln’s Dreams During the last 2 weeks before his death he had dreams about his own death. “Who is dead in the White House?” “The president. He was killed by an assassin.” He supposedly been having the same dream for three days before his assassination
April 14, 1965 Booth met with Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt about the assassination plot Powell was assigned to kill Secretary of State William H. Seward Atzerodt was assigned to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson Planned a 10:15 assassination attempt
Outcome Booth Shot Lincoln in the back of the head with a single-shot Deringer Stabbed General Grant Powell Stabbed Seward in the head multiple times before escaping, which it did not kill Seward Atzerodt Failed to attempt to assassinate Johnson
Hunt for Booth Lasted for 11 days (April 15-26) Biggest manhunt in the nation $100,000 reward for Booth Fled to Eastern Virginia Hid at Surratt Tavern, Dr. Mudd, Samuel Cox, and Garrett’s Farm Was found and killed at Garrett’s Farm
Trial May 1, Johnson suggests military trial Lasted 7 weeks Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt were sentenced to death by hanging Mudd, Arnold, and Spangler were pardoned by Johnson
After April 19 th his funeral Body transported by train 1,700 miles for millions of people to watch Andrew Johnson became President Ford’s Theatre was turned into a museum rather than continuation of plays after it was shut down
Some other Conspiracy’s Lincoln died with a conspiracy organized by Booth Andrew Johnson was with Booth Result of confederate plot Catholic church was behind assassination Edwin Stanton was behind assassination
Sources theory-the-lincoln-assassination/ th/7.html iracy/lincolnchronology.html meline/assassination/ historian/19423