The Dangers of Obesity Using the PPA students will Identify the Causes And Develop Solutions Nicole Shelton Bread and Roses High School
Is obesity a disease?
What makes a person obese?
There has been much debate over whether obesity is a disease or a result of poor lifestyle choices.
What do you think?
Here are some arguments FOR obesity being a disease and AGAINST obesity being a disease.
FOR Obesity Is a Disease Obesity impairs the normal functioning of a body. Obesity decreases a person's life expectancy or can cause death. Obesity can be hereditary, therefore obesity is not the result of lack willpower to exercise or eat less.
AGAINST Obesity Is a Disease Obesity is a matter of personal responsibility. People become obese because they make bad dietary decisions and do not exercise enough or at all. Many people today spend more time commuting, sitting in front of a computer, watching television, playing video games, and generally exercising less. Obesity does not have characteristic signs or symptoms like diseases typically have. The only characteristic sign of obesity is excess fat, which is the definition of obesity itself. There are also no symptoms for obesity Obesity is a preventable risk factor for other diseases, like smoking is a preventable risk factor for lung cancer or like drinking is a preventable risk factor for alcoholism.
Using the PPA let’s analyze the possible solutions? Define the Problem Gather the Evidence Select the Best Solution
Obese people should follow a low fat diet and exercise? 1. 2.
The federal government should impose higher taxes on junk food such as soda, chips and candy
The federal government should requiring restaurants such as McDonald’s to serve healthy food selections 1. 2.
Obese people should get weight loss surgeries such as the lap band, liposuction, tummy tuck 1. 2.
Schools should be responsible for teaching healthy eating habits to children
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