War and Peace LO: To explore issues surrounding this unit.


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Presentation transcript:

War and Peace LO: To explore issues surrounding this unit

Remember to choose 4 out of 6 units 1.Religion and Animal Rights (Booklet done) 2.Religion and Planet Earth 3.Religion War and Peace (Booklet done) 4.Religion and Prejudice (Booklet done) 5.Religion and Early life 6.Religion and Young People ( NOT COVERED )

Why do people go to war? D……… a country e.g. Remove a bad d………….. e.g. To g………. L………… e.g. To protect h………. r……. e.g. O……./M……… Which can be Seen as power and greed.

Match the KEY RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS! Both Christians and Muslims believe in…. Sanctity of life Justice Peace Absence of fighting/ conflict Life is sacred/ special and a gift that should not be destroyed by war People are treated equally and in a fair Way according to the law

Recent wars…. (You need to be able to talk about a recent war and say if it was a just war) IRAQ : Started in 2003 By George Bush and Tony Blair. (UK & USA) Accused Iraq of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) No weapons were ever found Sadam Hussein was found and captured as a result of this war (bad dictator) he was handed over to the Iraqi people and killed. Thousands of innocent people lost their lives/ homes/ as a result of this war

AFGHANISTAN Began in 2001 Was a response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America America accused the Taliban ( people in charge) of hiding and supporting terrorists (Al- Qaeda) and letting them use the country as a base to plan more attacks They attacked Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime It was known as ‘Operation enduring Freedom’ It is still going on today, the number of innocent people being killed yearly has been rising since 2007

When might a Christian go to war? Christians are usually against/ for war but there are some times when they say it is necessary/unnecessary to achieve justice/revenge. They have come up with a just war theory which lays out some rules for when war is acceptable/unacceptable This is known as the JUST WAR THEORY. It has 7 main rules/ criteria which the war must meet in order for it to be ‘just’

Just war theory Peter & Jordan Easily Reheated Last Saturdays Chips P……………………… J………………………. E……………………… R………………………. L……………………… S……………………… C……………………….

Just war rules 1)Started by a proper authority (e.g. government) 2)Just cause ( good reason to be fighting) 3)Establish good ( good things come from it) 4)Reasonable chance of success ( you have a chance of winning) 5) Last resort ( you’ve tried peace talks) 6)Sufficient force (no nuclear/ biological weapons) 7)Controlled violence ( not many innocent people harmed)

Choose one of the recent wars. Decide if this war was a ‘just war’ using the Christian criteria. Explain your answer…….

Holy War 1)Has a religious goal 2)Fought in the name of God 3) Fought by a religious leader Q:Can a war ever be really holy?!

Jihad (Muslim just /holy war)  Started by a religious leader  Last resort  Must not harm animals / crops/trees  Have a just cause What would a Muslim say about the wars in Afghanistan Iraq?

Compare Just war and Holy War

Pacifism People who refuse to take part in war are known as pacifists/Opera singers. Pacifists believe that war is always right/wrong Pacifists may refuse to take part in war as they believe they are never justified. Some Christians/Elves are pacifists. These Christians are called Quakers. Not all pacifists are religious believers though. Pacifists believe life is sacred. They believe war damages the environment/ shops People should be able to sort out problems/daydreams through peace talks. Violence is unnecessary. For religious pacifists life is sacred/rubbish and a gift from God/Santa

Religion and Peace Islam means PEACE Muslims say ‘SALAAM’ (peace be upon you) Christians follow Jesus’ teaching ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Christians and Muslims prefer peace but recognise that sometimes war is a necessary evil

For Against “ An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth ” “Do not murder” “If someone hits you, turn the other cheek” Christianity

Islam He who lives by the sword dies by the sword If anyone saves a life it would be as if he had saved the life of all people Don’t take a life which Allah has made sacred For Against Don’t take a life, except for a just cause Paradise is for those who forgive others

Victims of war Red cross : A group that helps people suffering in war. Helps with m………. Care/ treats and helps prisoners from the enemy side, Red crescent Same as red cross, found in Muslim countries, helps people suffering in war Do you think Christians and Muslims would agree with the work of these groups?

Religious believer working for peace Irena Sendler Irena was a famous Christian as she used her beliefs to help people during a time of war. She worked as a social worker around the time of the Holocaust. ……… people were being killed and treated badly by ……… and the Nazi party. Irena went into the concentration camps to check children for diseases. She managed to smuggle children out of the ………… in suitcases/ boxes/ ambulances. She was caught by the Nazis and then tortured but escaped death. She was left with broken legs and arms but continued to work …………Jewish ……... She firmly believed in her …………. faith and wanted to help others. Holocaust/camps/ Christian/Jewish/ Hitler/Helping/

UN/NATO United Nations (UN) A group set up at the end of WW2 (the Holocaust) to try and stop and future wars NATO : A group formed to stop war in Europe. Countries would stick together and support each other if war broke out. Stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

TERRORISM Terrorism is an extreme act of v…………………… Usually against innocent c………………….It is usually to scare and t………….. People publicly e.g. 9/11 Terrorists are usually strong religious followers however they DO NOT follow the teachings of the religion correctly.

WMDS WMDs are W…………. Of M……….. D…………………… These are weapons that can kill large numbers of p…………… and cause great d……………………. These include B………………… C……………….. N……………….

Types of WMDs Biological: (Bacteria/virus) These are r…………. Into the atmosphere/food/ and cause p………….. Which poisons the air which can lead to death. They are banned in war but many countries still develop these Chemical: (Powders/Gases) These are banned. They can cause choking/ paralysis and burning. An example of this is m…………… gas which can cause burning of the eyes and stop limbs working and people breathing. Nuclear: ( Nuclear reaction/ radio active) A huge bomb/explosion that leaks radioactive gases. America dropped these bombs on Japan in WW2. It ended the war but people are still suffering the effects today e.g. deformed c…… born and people developing c……. Many years after the bombs were dropped.

Colour code For WMDs Against WMDs They stop other countries from attacking you if you have them Two countries with weapons are unlikely to attack each other Makes you weak if you don’t have them They stop other countries from attacking you if you have them Too risky to have them- What if someone uses them? Terrorists could get hold of them Goes against just war theory ‘controlled violence’ Makes you weak if you don’t have them Too dangerous/ too much damage caused if they were used

Exam questions What is meant by ‘holy war’ (1) Give two reasons why countries might go to war (2)

‘Religious believers should be pacifists’ (3)

‘Nuclear war can never be justified’ (6)

Explain why some religious believers are prepared to fight in a war (6)