EXAMPLES FROM OUR GREEK ESSAYS More Practice with Analytical Conclusions, Introductions, and Conclusions
Reminder… Point of the paper: Why should we study Greece? Sophisticated Culture Lesson about Government Accomplishments of influential people
Introductions Something Catchy (quote, question, story, etc) Background information A Thesis statements with sub-topics (from your body paragraphs)
Good introductions How could 5 city-states make such an impact on history? The time period of the Classical Age in ancient Greece was BCE. The 5 city states, Corinth, Athens, Megara, Argos, and Sparta were the major city states that made most of the improvements that are used today. They helped ancient Greece become a success. They had an advanced culture and lifestyle, a good government system, and important people who contributed to history.
Good Introduction How could an ancient civilization change the future for everyone? The Greeks altered the world ever since they first appeared. The ancient Greek time period lasted from 776 BCE to 323 BCE but it’s best time period was from 500 to 400 BCE. This is where many ideas were born. Greek culture, government, and people from that time period have made their imprint on the world.
Body Paragraphs Topic Sentences 3 Examples with details Transitions Analytical Conclusions
Review of Analytical Conclusions Remember it should be more than just a summary of the information you put in your paragraph Analytical conclusions should be building your argument Think about the result, the consequence, or the effect of the facts you included in your paragraph. A good way is to think about starting your sentence with “Because of……”
(The result, Because of….) The Greeks had a sophisticated culture and lifestyle Clothing Education Religion The Greeks lifestyle, education and religion made them a more organized society and they had a stronger bond to each other. Body Paragraph 1: Culture
Because of…. The result… People began following trends, citizens became smarter, communicating was easier and individuals thought more logically. Greece’s clothing, education, and religion allowed Greece to become an interesting, smart, fun, and unique country, where people expressed themselves which made life better for everybody.
The result, because of… Greece was the birthplace of democracy and provides a lesson about good government Problems under the oligarchy Creation of the Assembly Limitations of Greek democracy The Greeks were the beginning of democracy and teach people to go through with change even if it doesn’t fix the whole problem. Body Paragraph 2: Government
The result… The Greeks helped improve governing and taught people that the rich and the poor should be treated the same. Greek democracy gave people the opportunity to speak up and vote for new laws. This made people participate in forming a better society that was committed to following law and order.
The result… Clearly, having a more civilized government helped men become more in control of their society and made their civilization progress. Democracy was a way the Greeks kept society involved in political affairs, making things fair for every social class and giving everyone a chance to speak out.
The result… The ideas and accomplishments of ancient Greeks still influence the world today Hippocrates Thucydides Archimedes Ancient Greece provided an environment where people were free to discover and learn. Body Paragraph 3: Influential People
Stop and Practice Work on the practice sheet from Ms. Plakmeyer to see if you can recognize good or bad conclusions sentences.
Why should we study ancient Greece? In your conclusion: Re-state your thesis statement Review your main points/conclusions from each paragraph End with something catchy DO NOT introduce new ideas that you haven’t already discussed in your paper
Re-statements of Thesis Thesis in Introduction: Greece also had a very advanced culture and lifestyle, an organized government, and influential Greeks who made a lot of contributions to daily life. Conclusion: Greece’s culture and lifestyle, organized government and influential people made a big effect on society’s history.
Re-statements Thesis Students should learn about ancient Greece because it had amazing culture and lifestyle, it had a good government system, and there were many important inventions. Conclusion Studying ancient Greece really helps students thanks to the Greek’s amazing culture and lifestyle, good government, and great discoveries.
Use your analytical conclusions to write your conclusion paragraph. Your last chance to answer the question: Why should we study ancient Greece? Greece’s clothing, education, and religion allowed Greece to become an interesting, smart, fun, and unique country, where people expressed themselves which made life better for everybody. The Greeks helped improve governing and taught people that the rich and the poor should be treated the same. Ancient Greece provided an environment where people were free to discover and learn. Studying ancient Greece really helps students thanks to the Greek’s amazing culture and lifestyle, good government, and great discoveries. The Greek culture demonstrates how important it is to be creative, intelligent and expressive. The challenges the Greeks faced with their government teaches that equality for rich and poor is essential for success and countries must be willing to change things that are not working. Finally, the example of the Greeks reminds people that freedom to discover and think differently is a key to progress. If modern societies can follow the Greek’s example, maybe they will be successful too.
Conclusion paragraphs The world today is influenced greatly by Greece’s culture, government, and influential accomplishments. The sophisticated culture and lifestyle led to a deeper bond for the people. The democratic government made people happy and the three famous Greeks, Hippocrates, Thucydides, and Archimedes improved the world with their discoveries. Greece was a turning point in history and had a tremendous influence on the modern world.
Greece’s culture, lifestyle, organized government and influential people made a big effect on society’s history. Many people got their ideas from Greece and created modern clothing and different fashion styles. Also, education helped improve technology and helped people learn new things. Greeks used to have an oligarchy but after problems developed, they changed to democracy making society more fair. Knowing what ancient Greeks discovered, scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers now have a better understanding of these branches of study. As Albert Einstein said, “The only source of knowledge is experience”
The Greeks inventions helped people cure the sick, made problem solving easier, and made the future brighter. Archimedes, Hippocrates, and Thucydides helped people learn medicine, learn history, and helped people’s work become easier. The Council of 500 and the Athenian assembly were the seeds of democracy which still exist today. The Greek culture was perhaps the most sophisticated and civilized of all civilizations at that time. Without the Greeks, modern times wouldn’t have legendary stories to tell, countries wouldn’t have a democratic government, and no role model civilization to learn from.