Bullying in the Workplace Think bullying happens only on the playground? Dottie Mersinger
"bosses and toddlers with too much power, act alike.“ ~ Lynn Taylor
Common Bullying Tactics – Falsely accusing someone of “errors” not actually made. – Staring, glaring, being nonverbally intimidating and clearly showing hostility. – Using the “silent treatment” to “ice out” and separate from others. – Yelling, screaming, and throwing tantrums in front of others to humiliate a person.
Common Bullying Tactics – Stealing credit for work done by others. – Abusing the evaluation process by lying about the person’s performance. – Rebelling for failing to follow arbitrary commands. – Using confidential information about a person to humiliate privately or publicly.
Heard this? The term for being made to feel stupid is “PIMP,” which stands for put in my place. – Often heard in medical education
Not Bullying? Actions not usually considered workplace bullying: A manager who shouts at or criticizes all of his or her employees. A co-worker who is critical of everything, always takes credit for successes and passes blame for mistakes, and/or frequently makes hurtful comments or jokes about others. Negative comments or actions that are based on a person's gender, ethnicity, religion, or other legally protected status.
Who Are the Bullies? Co-worker or boss Could be a type “A” personality Driven, competitive, easily frustrated, and verbally abusive Two-faced in nature Crave power and control Are Manipulators Use charm and deceit
Effects of Bullying Workplace bullying is a health hazard Workplace bullying is behavior, often repeated, by one or more employees, that humiliates, victimizes, undermines or threatens another employee or employees, and thereby creates a work related risk to personal health or safety.
Effects of Bullying Workplace bullying can have serious effects, for instance: Stress Absenteeism and low productivity Low self-esteem Anxiety/Panic Attacks Depression Digestive upsets High blood pressure Insomnia Relationship trouble Loss of sleep Post traumatic stress disorder Suicide.
Is it bullying? Identify Bullying Beti and the Resident
Bad for Education Administration – High turnover rate in coordinators and GME personnel – Low productivity – Lost innovation – Difficulty hiring quality employees and matching the best residents and fellows as word spreads that the program/institution has a malignant environment.
What can you do? Document incidents – keep a journal with details, dates and names Report incidents to HR or management Stand-up to the bully but don’t do it alone If unsuccessful with tactics find another job Resort to legal options
Here are five ways your workplace bully might be doing something illegal: Targeting the weak - Discrimination Targeting the different - Discrimination Sudden change in circumstances – Discrimination/ retaliation Stalking/ Cyberstalking Assault/battery Bullying goes criminal
Survey Are you constantly being criticized? Being treated differently than your colleagues? Get the eye rolls, stares and disrespected in meetings? Get left of the invitation list more than once when everyone else in the department was invited?
HWB 26 States since 2003 have introduced the Healthy Workplace Bill -- No laws have yet been enacted 26 States 15 states with 21 bills active