Lesson Plan 1 st Grade Brooke Scheerer
Problem Scenario The purpose of this lesson is to introduce poetry by reading different types of poetries that portray (serve as examples of) various poetry mechanics. Specifically, the students will engage in a lesson centered on poetic mechanics and attributes.
Objectives The students will be able to read poetry by engaging in a reading activity. 2. The students will be able to understand the message that the author is trying to portray to the reader by engage in. 3. The students will be able to write their own personal poem. The students will be able to comprehend and decipher the moral of the story after listening to the teachers reading of Green Eggs and Ham. The students will engage in oral language as well as reading practice by reading out loud to a small group after hearing the story read once by the teacher. The students will engage in the written exercise by explaining the key aspects via in-class journal activity where they will be asked to create a short poem with a picture that depicts the overall message of their poem.
Instructional materials and resources The images contained in the picture book show the visual aspect of the story. A video clip showing the poem being acted out in animation. Also the students will all be able to use the SmartBoard to write down each of their topics for their poem.
Technology required Copy of book “Green Eggs and Ham”. (Provided) Paper, pencil and crayons for students to write their poem and create they’re drawing. (Students will need to bring their own) Computer and project with screen to show animated video clip (provided) SmartBoard (provided)
Engaging activities and instructional strategies Stage 1 (Anticipatory Set/Opener) The teacher will introduce the lesson by reading the book Green Eggs and Ham to get the students engaged and excited about poetry. Stage 2 (Lesson) – The teacher will ask students to break off into groups of 5 and read one page each of the story. After they read the story, the group as a whole will create a poem on a large poster board about their favorite food that follows the same rules as Green Eggs and Ham. The students will also be asked create illustrations to go with the poem. The teacher will circulate to help students with spelling and structure. Stage 3 (Closer) Each group will present their poem in front of the whole class as a completed poster. Each student will recite one line each of the poem so everybody is engaged.
Assessment Formal – The students will start to collect journal entries of what their poem is about each day. Informal – Students will count off into many different small groups and discuss what each other their poems were about. The students will then draw a picture of what they interpret of their group member’s poems. Formative The teacher will walk around each group and see how well the students understand the activity and main idea. He or she will do so by listening in and asking the students questions. For what the teacher hears he or she will understand what she has done well and what she needs to modify for future teachings.