1st Grade Science Lesson Plan Life Sciences
Intasc Standard Standard: 7 Planning for Instruction Standard: 7 Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. Name of Artifact: 1st Grade Lesson Plan Date: 7/24/13 Brief Description of Artifact: A life Science lesson plan for first graders developed around a trip to the zoo. Reflection/Rationale: This lesson plan was developed to address animals and plants and the vital role they play in the food chain. The zoo provides detailed information on this topic in such a short period of time. Students studying and categorizing animals by their diets will gain better understanding of how their environments work after observing habitats first-hand. Although this trip will cost more money than using a book or the wealth of knowledge the students can pick up and take in, is no comparison. Students will learn in a fun way and remember things because they are excited about the experience where a mundane science book might not intrigue them as much. This experience will encourage them to find things out on their own. As the student completes this lesson they will become more knowledgeable about the world around them. Students will understand not only the differences in animal diets but, also the importance of plants. This challenges the student to think critically about how their choices affect their environment as an added bonus.
Standard Addressed 1.3 Life Sciences Observe, describe and ask questions about living things and their relationships to their environments.SCI.1.3.1 2010 Observe and explain that plants and animals have basic needs for growth and survival: plants need to take in water and need light, and animals need to take in water and food and have a way to dispose of waste. SCI.1.3.4 2010 Describe how animals’ habitats, including plants, meet their needs for food, water, shelter and an environment in which they can live. SCI.1.3.5 2010
Monday: Engage & Explore Tuesday: Explain A Brief Overview Monday: Engage & Explore Tuesday: Explain Wednesday: Elaborate & Evaluate
ENGAGE : Plants and Animals are very important ! Lets explore our world and find out how with a trip to the Zoo!
Safety First Parental signature permission slip. Appropriate behavior Proper clothing Keep hands and feet to self Proper bus conduct
EXPLORE: Observe & Record Field Trip to the Zoo On this trip students will be asked to observe all the plants and animals they see within each habitat. When back at the school they will be given one hour and asked to either provide a written description or draw pictures of their favorite animal exhibit. They will be provided basic art supplies including crayons, rulers, and paper.
EXPLAIN:Plant and Animals Students will be given a brief lesson with examples of the food chain and how animals depend on plants for survival. Students will then be asked to refer back to Monday’s assignment and find out what the animal they wrote about eats. They will then be asked to answer the question: Would your animal be able to survive if all plants died?
Details-Plants & Animals For this assignment students will have access to the computer lab for one hour and asked to do as much research as they could to find the correct answer.
The Food Chain Lesson Wolf Rabbit Grass Top of the food chain and eat mainly smaller animals. Rabbit Lower on the food chain eats mainly plants. Grass Lowest on the food chain and provides nutrients for all animals.
ELABORATE One hour will be devoted to a class discussion about Tuesday’s finding and the answer to the question: Would your animal survive if all plants died? will be answered. Students will learn that although their animal may be a carnivore and not necessarily eat plants like a herbivore the herbivores they eat rely on plants to survive and with no herbivore to eat the carnivores would die as well.
EVALUATE: Carnivores, Herbivores, & Omnivores Following this discussion the students will in groups classify roughly 20 animals according to their diets.
Citations All pictures were taken from Clip Art The lesson plan was developed by Shai Masters