1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty This is an important unit and looks at how different working for an airline is to a “normal” job on the ground; the normal routine of turning up to work and doing your job is completely different as air cabin crew. Try and imagine that you are turning up for your flight and decide where you are going to be flying from and to and then consider the following.
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Flight Details – inc. flight number, aircraft type, passenger numbers and type, destination, aircraft stand, individual duties e.g. allocation of seat rows, galley areas, in-flight service duties and emergency position(s) and equipment etc. Special Requirements – this will include passenger requirements i.e.vegetarian food etc., passenger needs i.e. physical, sensory, special needs passengers, pregnant mothers or Unaccompanied Minors
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Aviation 1st Aid – although covered in a separate OCNW programme the basics include:- Serious Medical Injuries/Conditions for Pax/Crew Minor Medical Injuries/Conditions for Pax/Crew Operate/Employ First Aid Equipment & Materials. ALL questions in briefings regarding aviation first aid will include Signs, Symptoms and ACTION
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Emergency Situations – these could relate to medical situations as well as situations when the aircraft and its crew need to take positive action i.e. Rapid Decompression when the aircraft loses its pressure when its pressurised hull has been breached e.g. window/door blown out, fuselage ruptured or by passenger action BOMB/GUN etc.; Suspect Package, Pilot incapacitation, forced landing due to mechanical failure either in-flight or during take-off/landing
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Security Situations – security is paramount on board the aircraft and before and after flight to ensure that packages, personnel etc. cannot enter the aircraft i.e. Checking I.D. of people entering aircraft both STAFF and Passengers, Prohibited Items e.g. lighter fuel, aerosols, matches etc.; Passport Control, Suspect Packages, Terrorist Threats etc.
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Check & prepare cabin – including dressing toilet/washrooms, galley’s, passenger cabin etc. accordingly Prepare for boarding – including pre-boarding of passengers Liaison – with ground crew CSA’s etc., seating of passengers and stowage of luggage (inc. queries and advice regarding emergency exits, overwing exits and passenger notices/briefings etc.
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Key words in this element which you will need to understand and use – Personal Appearance – of Cabin Crew Adherence to OWN airline standards – consider examples Grooming – consider basics Lifestyle considerations
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Flight details – Date: Flight No: Aircraft Type: Destination Airport: Passenger Nos: Aircraft Stand No: Individual Duties
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Duties you could be allocated – Consider some provision for Special Needs passengers – types: Meal requirements – types: Passengers needing special Boarding Requirements – types: Unaccompanied Minors:
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Aviation 1st Aid questions – NOSE BLEED – Signs- Symptoms- Action - AIR SICKNESS Signs- Symptoms- Action - EARACHE Signs- Symptoms- Action -
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Emergency Situations – RAPID DECOMPRESSION Signs- Action - PILOT INCAPACITATION Signs- Action -
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Security Situations – SUSPECT PACKAGE Signs- Action - CHECKING I.D. Action - PROHIBITED ITEMS Action - PASSPORTS Action -
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Prepare for – Pre-boarding of passengers - Boarding of passengers - Prepare own area for boarding - Get ready -
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Prepare for – Pre-boarding of passengers - Boarding of passengers - Prepare own area for boarding - Get ready -
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Liaison – Ground Crew – Airline Customer Service Agents – Catering Staff – Seating of passengers Stowage of passenger luggage Advice and queries regarding emergency exits, overwing exits, passenger notices
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Consider Personal Appearance – MALES – Consider: hair, nails, shoes, socks, facial hair, jewellery etc. FEMALES – Consider: hair, nails, shoes, socks, jewellery, tights, accessories, make-up etc.
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Consider Personal Appearance – MALES – Consider: Hair Nails Shoes Socks Facial hair Jewellery Other considerations –
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Consider Personal Appearance – FEMALES – Consider: Hair Nails Shoes Tights Jewellery Accessories Make-up Other considerations –
1.1 – Describe the Pre-flight procedures briefings when first going on duty Discuss these few key areas – Build up team forming activities, frequently with crew you might not have met before Check adherence to airline regulations e.g. uniform Check out competencies e.g. health, safety & security Consider individual duties Consider flight details – inc. a Flight Information Brief (prepared for each flight by the airline) Check passenger requirements – may be included on the F.I.B. Organise any special needs – may be included on the F.I.B.