Improving Data Quality Best practices for entering and maintaining data.
Identify strategies for promoting data accuracy. Describe how verification reports can identify inaccurate or missing data. List resources that improve data quality. Objective s
Describe the difference in accuracy and validity between the two sentences. 1.I went to teh school. 2.Eye when too the skewer. Data Accuracy
Each district should establish best practices for entering and maintaining quality data. For all staff Understand district business practices and policies for quality assurance and consistency. Communicate the importance of accurate data entry. Provide ongoing professional development about data requirements and district data quality practices. Data Accuracy
For staff who enter data Keep student data accurately updated and current. Review and correct CEDARS errors on a weekly basis. Data Accuracy
For administrators Provide district level oversight for building level reporting. Create and support open communication between registrars at different buildings that share students. Publish Student Information System documentation that details correct data entry procedures. Provide access to technical support for the Student Information System Data Accuracy
These are generated in response to data submissions and are used to verify data accuracy. CEDARS exception reports Student Information System reports (entry/withdrawal, course and teacher) Educational Data System (EDS) Reports Federal Special Education November Child Count October Enrollment Adjusted Cohort Graduation Application (P210) and Annual CTE Student Enrollment Review (P210) Voc Bilingual Homeless Verification Reports
Materials on the CEDARS web site can help you improve data quality CEDARS data manual and appendices CEDARS reporting guidance Student record exchange user guide State course codes spreadsheet CIP code chart for CTE courses Resources
Materials on the CEDARS web site can help you improve data quality CEDARS submission exceptions dictionary Quick Tip Sheet: Understanding the “As Of Date” Logical Delete Frequently Asked Questions CEDARS SSID User Guide Resources
Materials are also available on the OSPI School Apportionment & Financial Services web site: Professional development materials and reporting handbook for enrollment Guidelines for reporting Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) enrollment Resources
Additional support: Documentation and reference materials from your Student Information System vendor Monthly OSPI CEDARS video teleconferences Student Information Monthly Online Newsletter (SIMON) Resources
Review Identify strategies for promoting data accuracy. Describe how verification reports can identify inaccurate or missing data. List resources that improve data quality.
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What systems does your district have in place to verify the accuracy of data? What suggestions do you have to improve these? What are the effects of inaccurate data on your district? (For example, allocations may be incorrect.) Discussio n