Radiation Hazard Awareness Training - ONLINE Coming – May 2015
Why do I need to take this training? This training will teach you about the basic radiation hazards you may encounter in the hospital. What you learn will give you the information to perform your work safely and to protect you from unnecessary radiation exposure. Depending on your role, you may need to review advanced modules that are more specific to your work. This training resulted from a UCOP audit indicating that staff needed radiation awareness level training to comply with state requirements, as well as advanced training for those with job functions that could potentially be exposed to radiation. 2 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
Who is required to take the training? All employees working in or would have a reason to enter the Ronald Reagan & Santa Monica hospitals, RNPH or outpatient clinics are required to take the General Hazard Awareness Training. Physicians will also be required to take the training as a part of their re-credentialing process. Residents & Fellows are included and required to complete the training. 3 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
Available Training Modules 1) General Hazard Awareness Training (Required) 2) Additional Modules Available for Staff (Based on Job Functions) o Radiation Producing Machines Training – X-Ray: For those working around X-Ray machines – X-Ray Supervisor/Operator – Fluoroscopy Supervisor/Operator o Radioactive Materials Training – Advanced RAM: care for patients with RAM administered – Nuclear Medicine: Handle/Supervise RAM – Radiation Oncology: Handle/Supervise RAM * Only the General module is required. We expect that staff will not do any more than 3 modules total based on their job functions. Only a small percentage of staff would do 3. 4 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
How will I know which training to do? The website is organized to ask the user questions about their job function and then it will lead the user to the appropriate training. You’ll click on General Hazard Awareness Training on the website, complete the module and enter your UID for credit. Then there are questions to answer on the website. If you answer yes, it will lead you to the more advanced modules to complete. Certain trainings are linked together – such as the Basic and Advanced X-Ray module. At the end of the Basic module, it will lead you to the Advanced module if you are exposed to fluoroscopy. 5 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
What will I learn? This course, we cover the following: 1.Radiation Hazard Communication 2.Background Radiation 3.Radiation Dose 4.Sources of Radiation 5.Radiation Hazard Signage 6.Radioactive Waste 7.Radiation Safety Committees and Program 6 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
How long will it take? The required general module will take approximately 10 minutes. It is 25 slides, including 3 Questions. We expect that you will not need to do any more than 3 modules total based on your job functions. It will be a small percentage of staff that need to even do 3 modules. 7 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta
When do I need to complete it by? The training is available online now and the link has been ed to everyone including department managers. We expect everyone to complete the General Hazard Awareness Training by June 30 th. 8 Questions? Contact Elizabeth Genta