Chapter 9: Political Parties and Politics Section 1: Development of Political Parties
Political Party Political party- An organization of individuals with broad, common interests who organize to win elections, to operate the government, and to thereby influence government policy. The United States has a 2 Party System. What are the two political parties? Democrats and Republicans
Growth of American Parties Political parties were not mentioned in the Constitution. Most of the Founding Fathers were against them. George Washington warned the country about developing political parties in his Farewell Address.
Growth of American Parties Cont. The Democratic Party- Created by Thomas Jefferson Called Democratic Republicans Renamed the Democratic Party by Andrew Jackson in 1828 to play to the ties of the common people. Original opponents- Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton Whig Party until the 1850s
Growth of American Parties Cont. The Republican Party- Created in 1854 by Whigs and Democrats who opposes slavery. They agreed to keep slavery out of the Northern States. In 1860, Abe Lincoln became the first Republican President.
Third Parties Third parties- Typically smaller minority parties. Compete with the two major parties. Influence American politics in different ways. They promote or advance ideas that were first unpopular or hotly debated. Populists Party (1890s)- called for direct elections of senators and an eight hour work day. Progressive Party- promoted a direct primary, initiative and referendum.
Single- Issue Parties Typically a 3rd party that forms to promote social, economic, or moral issues. Example: Prohibition movement. A single party issue usually does not last long. It may fade away when the issue is no longer important or if a major party adopts the issue.
Ideological Parties An ideology is a set of beliefs about human nature and government institutions. Ideological parties are those that support a particular philosophy or political doctrine. Example: The Communist Part USA- government should own factories, transportation, and resources. The Libertarian Party- opposes gov’t interfernce in private enterprise.
Obstacles to Third Parties Rarely win major elections Third party candidates must obtain a large number of voter signatures in order to get on the ballot. Trouble raising sufficient amounts of money to compete in campaigns against the major- party candidates.
Other Party Systems Political parties exist in most countries. Two parties system are rare. The role of political parties play differs with each nation’s political system.
Multiparty System Many democracies have multiparty systems. Three or more parties compete for control of the government. Example: Canada has 3 parties. Germany has 5 parties. Israel has more than 20. One party rarely wins enough support to control the government. This means several parties must work together. This system can easily break down and become unstable.
One- Party System The party and the government are nearly the same thing. Only one party is allowed to exist and only those party members can run for office. The main job of party members is to recruit new members, maintain party discipline, and carry out the party’s orders. Elections are an empty exercise because of there are no rival candidates. Considered non-democratic
How Parties Differ Competing political parties are a necessary part of democratic government. They link citizens and their officials. They give voters choices. How much should the gov’t be involved in the lives of Americans? Democrats- feel that gov’t should play a direct role in regulating the economy, providing housing, and jobs for the poor. Republicans- favor less gov’t regulation of the economy as the best way to promote the growth of production.
How Parties Differ Cont. Platform- A series of statements expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues. Plank- Each platform has its plank. The platform communicates to voters what the party claims will do if it wins.