Organized by: Delhi Cricket Association For Physically Challenged
SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL Change the Disability Improve Ability 8th National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled For Disabled (2014) Under the Agies of Indian Cricket Fedration for Dsabled (India) Change the Disability Improve Ability
Hon’ble Chief Minister NCT Delhi Smt. Shila Dixit On Occasion of Annual Day Ceremony in 2003 . With Gen. sec. – Shri Nisar Ahmad. Prize Distribution ceremony by Hon’ble Sports and Education Minister Shri Arivender Singh Lovely On 3rd Dec. 2004 at National Stadium Delhi. Along with Gen. Sec. – Shri Nisar Ahmad.
Don’t See them as “DISABLED” Introduction This proposal has been prepared with the aim of developing business/community partnerships. The aim of these partnerships is to support Disabled Cricket Enthusiasts reach their full potential as well as enabling more people with disabilities to reap the health, social and emotional benefits of participating in all levels of this exciting and challenging sport; from recreational cricket to international competition. Participation in sports such as Cricket which is one of India’s most loved sports can have a powerful and life long impact on the life of a person with an acquired or born disability. Don’t See them as “DISABLED” They are…. “DIFFERENTLY ABLED”
Delhi Cricket Team
Introduction It can mean the difference between adjusting to the disability and participating in recreation, family life, work or struggling with the significant changes as a result of their accident or illness. For some, participation in Cricket is a great recreational activity with family and friends. For others Cricket is a challenging sport and they strive to be the best in the World. These Disabled Cricketers are truly elite athletes; they take their sport very seriously, train long hours and carry the determination to compete at the local and the international level.
Content Executive Summary Aims of National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Benefits of People with Disabilities being involved in Professional Cricket specifically National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled. Benefits to a Company supporting National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Sponsorship Packages
Delhi Cricket Association for Disabled (DCAD) The Delhi Cricket Association for Disabled (DCAD) is an apolitical voluntary organization dedicated to the upliftment of the physically challenged community, by the provision of rehabilitation facilities through sports participation (CRICKET) on the national arena since the last 17 years. The DCAD has organized and sponsored various sports meet and tournaments held during the last few years nationally in cities like Mumbai, Bhilai, Jaipur, Kota, Udaipur, Gurgaon, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Patna, Lucknow and Bhopal. The Biggest tournament held annually at Delhi, is the All India Cricket tournament where sports talent from all over the country come together to participate.
Some of the Tournaments and Championship’s that have been organized annually under DCAD’s banner are:- All India Inter – State Cricket Tournament (Sponsored by Delhi Government ) Triangular Series (Delhi, U.P., and Haryana) All India Inter-State Cricket Tournament. Triangular Series (Delhi, Mumbai, and Rest of India) (2006) and Irani Trophy (Delhi vs. Rest of India). Triangular Series (Delhi, Chhattisgarh & Rest of India) (2007) and Irani Trophy (Chhattisgarh Vs. Rest of India) North Zone Tournament (Delhi, Haryana, VRC Delhi, Purvanchal) Conducted by Delhi in the year 2008.
North Zone Tournament (Delhi, Haryana, VRC Delhi, Purvanchal, U. P North Zone Tournament (Delhi, Haryana, VRC Delhi, Purvanchal, U.P. Chandigarh) Conducted by Delhi in the year 2009. North zone Tournament (Delhi, Haryana, Chandigarh) Conducted by Delhi in the year 2011. Triangular Series Delhi (Delhi, Haryana NCR, Chhattisgarh) Conducted by Delhi in the year 2012.
AIMS of National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled The motive behind the annual organization of the state level and National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Ableds are the creation of THE INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE, which can ably and effectively compete at InterNational Cricket Tournament for Differently-Ableds and hereby bloom in the International arena. But DCAFPC National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled for disabled goes beyond mere numbers, it invites youth, a class that gives the sponsors an opportunity to showcase their brands effectively with a high recall value. It provides the corporate with a solid platform to leverage their branding initiatives through event sponsoring, Online & Offline brand promotions, Product visibility campaigns etc which effectively gives every organization high end value returns for the money sponsored.
Welcome to Smt. Shila Dixit Hon’le Chief Minister Delhi NCR by Gen.Sec. Shri Nisar Ahmad Along with Shri I.A.Siddiqui (Member NDMC) .
Benefits of People with Disabilities being Involved in Sports especially National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled In the International Arena people with a range of disabilities are now involved in all levels of sports .This is a significant advancement for people with disabilities specifically in a country like India where Cricket remains one of the most loved & Glamorized sport and has ongoing benefits both for the people with disabilities and for the mainstream community.
Health Benefits Research clearly shows that people with disabilities who are involved in sports are healthier and have less returns to hospital and health care facilities, than their peers who are not involved in sports. These individuals look after their health, develop their fitness and manage specific disability related medical issues better. The skiers with disabilities also experience the normal health related benefits that we all do from participation in sports.
Emotional Benefits It is well known that participation in sports, has positive emotional benefits for everyone, this is also the case for people with disabilities. Participation in sports, particularly “exciting and fast” sports like Cricket, can facilitate adjustment to a disability and changed lifestyle as a result of an accident or illness. This can have a generalizing affect on other aspects of people’s life including potential to work, relationships etc. Sport can improve self concept and self esteem and re-store shattered life roles. This occurs both at the recreational level “I am a Professional Cricketer rather than I am a disabled person” and at the International competition level “I am an Indian Cricket Champion” – changes the whole social attitude towards disabled individuals.
Social Benefits Professional Cricket provides a natural environment, which creates powerful support networks for people with disabilities. Communal Sports like Professional Cricket also provides a very effective and practical learning environment in relation to many day to day aspects of acquired disabilities i.e. learning from people who have similar disabilities a number of years earlier. The families of people with a disability also develop strong and valuable support networks with the family members of others involved in Professional sports like Cricket. This is particularly powerful for people with newly acquired disabilities, when everyone in the family is involved in what can be a very difficult adjustment process. Cricket is a family sport that people with disabilities can participate in with their able bodied friends and families, this can’t be said about all sports e.g. Football. This means that valuable friendships and family relationships can be maintained.
Benefits to a Company Sponsoring National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Runners-up Delhi Team at Vidya Bal Bhawan sr. sec. School. M. Vihar Delhi in 2011 There are many benefits to organizations sponsoring National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled. An Preview of the multiple benefits involve the following on next Slides:
Recognition Options The National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Marketing & Promotions Division will promote your organization in all possible avenues including appropriate recognition for your organization. On all stationary, in all communications, emails and in press releases related to National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled In sporting magazines which feature National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled In any TV, radio and print media On athletes uniforms If appropriate, naming rights of the National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Regional teams may be available.
Philanthropic & Social Benefits For Your Business Your support of the National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled Disabled Cricketers League will help a group of athletes with disabilities, who have trained hard to reach their goals of representing their regions & in the future the Indian Subcontinent in International Competitions. It will also help to open up Cricket and other sports, to people with new injuries/disabilities. People who often, initially feel that, with a disability, they won’t be able participate in exciting and dynamic sports anymore. Your organizations involvement will also send a clear message to the organizations stake holders, clients and the wider community, as well as to other business partners, that the organization has a responsible Commitment to supporting the Community.
Sponsorship Benefits The tournament offers you several benefits, of which a few are listed below. 1) Your brand will have considerable exposure both in the domestic as well as international market space 2) National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled can be part of your organization's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity 3) Your association with the event would help link up with other companies and organizations leading to new partnerships
Sponsor Advantage Get exclusive brand promotion with target consumer base. Effective focused marketing. Sale of products and distribution of samples at the counters for your brand. Advertising and logo promotion with leading print & television media. Display of banner and other advertising material at the Venue. Individual stalls for selling your product. and much more.
Sponsorship Packages PRIME SPONSOR This is the highest-level sponsorship and ensures the greatest level of exposure and marketing impact. Your company name and logo will be featured most prominently on all pre-event print materials and all media platforms. The business who commits to this package will be known as the TOURNAMENT SPONSOR on all clothing, product and club correspondence. The DCAFPC is pleased to offer the following components of this sponsorship package:- Your company name and logo proudly displayed as the club major sponsor on all team shirts, stationery and all advertisements. Most prominently on all e-blasts and media releases concerning the Event.
Use of a International cricket celebrity for any promotional purposes for the Prime sponsor. All publications leading to the National Tournament would carry the name of the Prime sponsor (This includes all pamphlets, posters, invitations, passes, tickets, hoardings & newspaper advertisements). The presenting sponsor would get the first choice for branding space in the event arena. Regular mention of the name at the informal stall and compulsory mention of the prime sponsor’s name during the main events through cricket commentary. Signage displayed during all matches played on the ground Premium space available at the Grounds for promotional material and displays if required. Four representatives of the Prime sponsor company being guests of the DCAFPC Tournament.
Inaugural function of Triangular Cricket Tournament held in Delhi 2012 at DDA Sports Ground, Bank enclave by hon’ble health minister and Dr. A.K.Walia and Shri Raju Chaudary with Gen. Sec. Nisar Ahmad. Welcome to Dr. A.K. Walia, Hon’ble Health Minister Delhi NCT by Gen. Sec. Shri Nisar Ahmad
Official Sponsor This is the second highest level of sponsorship and ensures much needed sponsorship and branding. Termed as the official sponsor the company gets a chance to have their logo and collaterals displayed on the ground, in all pre-event advertisement materials and much more… The official sponsor’s company name and logo displayed on all State team shirts, stationery and all advertisements. Every publications leading to the National Tournament would carry the name of the Official sponsor (This includes all pamphlets, posters, invitations, passes, tickets, hoardings & newspaper advertisements)
Signage displayed during all matches played on the ground The official sponsor would get the second choice for branding space in the event arena. Regular mention of the name at the informal stall and compulsory mention of the official sponsor’s name during the main events during cricket commentary. Signage displayed during all matches played on the ground Premium space available at the Grounds for promotional material and displays if required. Free passes of the Official sponsor company being guests of the DCAFPC Tournament. Delhi Team Participated in 6th National Cricket Tournament Held at Lucknow in 2011.
Title Sponsor The National Cricket Tournament for Differently-Abled 2013 Cup will be named after the Title Sponsor. Prominent display of the company name and logo on the tournament backdrop along with those of the organizer and other sponsors. 2 prominent sideboards on the ground one straight of the wicket and one square of behind the boundary line. Display of your name and logo along with other sponsors in the print media, online banner advertisements & digital ad space. Announcement on radio & TV advertisement spots. Announcement of your partnership during the Press Meet, events which will be organized on several occasions. Boundary Line Hoarding standees (10 x 3 feet)
Logo display in the entire tournament related invitations, tickets or donor pass and certificates. Announcement of your 'participation during “Man of the Match” presentation ceremonies. Choice of your representative's presence during the press conference, promotional events Inaugural ceremony and closing ceremony. Full page advertisement will be covered in the souvenir magazine. Extensive outdoor publicity is planned such as Hoarding, Bus Shelters, Digital Ad Space, Flyers, Posters and etc. Winners, Runners up Trophy will carry your name along with mementos of “Man of the Match” and Series. Live telecast for Opening & Closing ceremony along with few matches.
Travel Sponsor The Company sponsoring the travel services for the whole tournament would avail every type of advertising and branding opportunities through DCAFPC. The travel sponsor would take the responsibility of providing round the clock services for the visiting state teams as well as taking care of their travelling during the five days of the tournament. The advertising opportunity for the travel sponsor would include:- The Travel sponsors name and logo on all teams shirt and sport merchandise. Incorporation of the travel sponsor’s name and logo on all print advertisement and television & radio ads. Opportunity to display any advertisement or signage during the tournament at the grounds and round the clock branding.
Ground Sponsor The Company who would be the ground sponsor will bear the booking of the ground for the event. The Ground sponsor would avail many options for branding and advertising opportunities which would include the following :- All publications leading to the National Tournament would carry the name of the Prime sponsor (This includes all pamphlets, posters, invitations, passes, tickets, hoardings & newspaper advertisements) Branding space in the event arena Mention of the name at the informal stall and compulsory mention of the sponsor’s name during the main events through cricket commentary. Signage displayed during all matches played on the ground
Honour to Hon’ble Sports and Ed. Minister Shri A. S Honour to Hon’ble Sports and Ed. Minister Shri A.S.lovely by Shri Karnel Singh (I.P.S.) Joint Police Commissioner Delhi in 2004. Welcome to Shri Ajit Wadekar Former Indian Captain by Gen. Sec. Shri Nisar Ahmad along With Shri Chetan Chauwan Former Indian Player and Dr. Sanjay Sinha – Chairman- Frantline (Sponsors) in North Zone Cr. Tournament Held In Delhi 2009.
Team Sponsor The Team sponsor would avail the branding opportunity for the teams they would be backing. There are around 12 state level teams who would be competing in this all India Cricket tournament for the disabled. For any team or for every specific team any companies or entities interested in being the team sponsor would be responsible for the overall management of the team. Branding opportunities would include:- Name of the team sponsor on all the T-shirts, Pants and the sporting merchandise of the whole team A chance for the team sponsor to display signage’s or product display or free stall branding on the ground premises Chance to display the company logo and name in all offline & online advertisement mediums.
Associate Sponsors Prominent display of the company name and logo on the tournament backdrop along with those of organizer & other sponsors. Prominent sideboards on the ground one straight of the wicket and one square of behind the boundary line. Display of your name and logo along with other sponsors in the print advertisements. Announcement on radio & TV advertisement spots. Boundary Line Hoarding standees (10 x3 feet) Logo display in all tournament related invitations and certificates.
Sponsor A Day’s Expenses Sponsor A Match Display of your name & logo for the sponsored match Presence of your representative to announce prizes Full page Souvenir Advertisement Banners in the ground Sponsor A Day’s Expenses Display of your name & logo for the sponsored day Full page Souvenir Advertisement Banners in the Ground
Production Sponsor The Production sponsor is expected to take the initiative of organizing and managing the whole tournament with respect to the cricket tournament formalities. Light arrangements/Set –up costs would be borne by the Production sponsor. The advertising opportunities for the production sponsor would include:- Incorporation of the travel sponsor’s name and logo on all print advertisement and television & radio ads. Opportunity to display any advertisement or signage during the tournament at the grounds and round the clock branding.
Contact Shri I.A. Siddiqui :- +919811614922 (President) Shri Nisar Ahmed :- +919990560950 (Secretary) Shri Mohd. Aadil :- +919891280389 (Event coordinator) Shri Amit Srivastav :- +919560127016 (Media coordinator) Contact Address:- Delhi Cricket association For Disabled (reg. No. S-30531) 38/1-C, Sector – 2, DIZ Area Gole Market, New Delhi- 110001 Email id :- National Cricket Tournament for
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