Adaptations Are changes in physical forms or behaviors brought about by natural selection that enable an organism to better survive in its natural habitat. Many adaptations have to do with getting food and oxygen, moving or staying in one place, protection, or living in certain places.
Aquatic Organisms and their adaptations… What adaptations to living in water can be seen on these stream animals? Crayfish MayflyBurrowing Mayfly
1.Hard outer “shell” provides protection 2.Hooks on feet anchors in moving water 3.Streamlined shape 4.Gills on the two insects 5.Claws on the crayfish for gathering food and fighting, display 6.Paddle-shaped tail on the crayfish for swimming Crayfish Mayfly Burrowing Mayfly 1 2 4
What adaptations on these insects are used for getting oxygen? Gills – feathery structures on the body Caddisfly Larva Water Penny Larva
Water Boatman Water Strider What adaptations on these insects are used for locomotion? Paddle shaped feet for “rowing” through the water Very thin legs to walk on top of the water
What adaptations on these animals are used for staying in one place? Suction cup Muscular “foot” Blackfly larva Mussel
What adaptations on these animals are used for gathering food? Siphons water in and out to filter the food Brushes in front of mouth for filtering water
Head of a Dragonfly nymph What do you think is the purpose of the lower lip? The lower lip extends out in front of the head and captures prey to bring back to the mouth to eat. It can eat tadpoles and minnows larger than it is.
How are these fish adapted for locomotion through the water? 1.Streamlined shape 2.Slimy body 3.Fins for stabilizing 4.Strong tail fin for movement
Which of these turtles is the most aquatic? How can you tell? Softshell Turtle Box Turtle Red-eared Slider Softshell Turtle – streamlined shape, webbed feet
Heron Duck Osprey What are each of these feet adapted for? Walking on soft mud (like a snow-shoe) Paddling in water (boat oar) Catching and holding slippery fish (cooking tongs)